The "Phreeker" the better!

by moman 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • moman

    The various bans put on the Dubs have served the Borg well!

    Where does a person that doesn't: smoke, celebrate holidays,salute the flag,join the military,join clubs,shuns family & others, goes to 5 plus meetings a wk.,condems all outsiders as Armegedon fodder,looks down on secular education, lives in fear (them v/s us) etc., belong?

    The answer = only one place (drum roll please) The Kingdub Hall.

    Ya gotta hand it to them, by making the followers extream PHREEKS they exert a powerful control & keep them miserable, but unable to go anywhere else & fit in!

    Very clever, don't ya think?

  • Gopher

    Hey Moman, remember true Christians are to be no part of the world... I mean, let's send them all to the moon (if they want to really avoid contaminating worldly influences).

    -J.R., member, UADNA-MN
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Minnesota division)

    This post was not evaluated by any mental health professionals.
    Any opinions expressed are those of a fuzzy, cuddly rodent.

  • SYN

    Yup, typical high-control group, nothing to see here, please move along, show's over folks!


    "...the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing" - The Golden Age
    [SYN], UADA
    - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa.

  • moman

    Gopher, the problem is, some of my family would be up there.
    Hey, would they be called, "Moonies" or Luna-dubs" ?

  • avengers

    Moon children sounds nicer than J dub.

  • ISP

    The way of the 'truth' is sad. It could only appeal to folks of abnormal sensibilities.


  • Gopher


    "Moonies" has already been taken. Luna-tics or Luna-dubs, or how about lunar landers?

    -J.R., member, UADNA-MN
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Minnesota division)

    This post was not evaluated by any mental health professionals.
    Any opinions expressed are those of a fuzzy, cuddly rodent.

  • BluesBrother

    [QUOTE]unable to go anywhere else & fit in!

    Very clever, don't ya think?[\QUOTE]

    Reminds me of the time when a young man, having a bout of "spiritual lows" I went along to a social club, but could not relax.I did not fit in . institutionalised by the org I was only fit for the K H and Get togethers.
    it took many years to grow up enough to be able to mix with others

  • tattoogrl333

    I think it's all about the JW's catching people at a vulnerable moment. Seemed to me all the new bible studies they had were with older people who more or less just liked the human interaction. Funny though there supposed to be such loving people but when my study would come around they'd make fun of the other studies they had and how they couldn't answer the questions right. Back stabbers. Ahh it's all just sooooo wrong. I don't get it. makes me mad and I never even joined.

  • Elsewhere

    There are plenty of people in the world with a persecution complex. As the saying goes, "misery loves company", so they all get together and are persecuted together.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

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