Harassed by Jehovah's Witnesses

by solomon 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • solomon
  • Kojack57

    Looks like the j-dubs are hurting for new members. Isn't the Internet wonderful.


  • blondie

    Call the local congregation in your area and ask for the Coordinator of the Body of Elders. Explain that you want jws to stop calling on your. They have an in-house process of noting your name, address, and PHONE NUMBER, and put in the territory card which will be promptly lost or ignored by the jw with the territory card. Or the jws with him will misunderstand the house number and call anyway. Then followed this up with a registered letter to that individual (get his name). Be aware that many kingdom halls do not get mail delivered to their address but to the "secretary" in the congregation.

    Have a friend confirm if it is possible to get your number they way they described. Check with the phone company and ask if it is possible. If not go back to that jw's employer and say they had access. It is unprofessional to "witness" to one's employer or patient.

    Caution anyone answering the door at your home to send jws away and say you DO NOT want the to CALL and to mark that down.

    Otherwise call the police in your area and find out how you can get a no trespassing order in place.

  • Phizzy

    Just tell the stupid sods you are a Disfellowshipped Apostate J.W, the poor benighted buggers will run a mile, and never come back, saves all the hassle.

  • carla

    add your phone number to this letter which must be sent out every year-



    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society

    25 Columbia Heights

    Brooklyn, Ny 11201-2483


    Dear Sirs,

    Please notify all members of your congregation that consent, implied or otherwise, to visit my property at the address stated above for any purpose relating

    to the work of Jehovah's Witnesses or the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has been revoked.

    I will consider any future visits to be an act of willful trespass and may prosecute to the full extent of the law, civil or criminal.

    You must not visit on the pretense of 'updating records'. Check the electoral roll for up to date ownership information.

    Notice has also been served to my local congregation located in the area of ________________________________________________________.

    I shall hold you both severally and jointly liable for any infratction of this notice to 'cease and desist'.

    You have been warned!



    Two errors:

    Omit 'Dear Sirs'. Those hypocrite bastards do not deserve it.

    And it is not 'my' local congregation. It is 'your'.

    Damn it. That news of the loss of Ooompa have turned me crazy...

  • Scott77

    This behavior on the part of JW is very troubling. Iam not surprised though.


  • whathappened

    They have been warned not to go to ant house with a "no trespassing" sign. This will not guarantee they will stop coming but they will be libel to arrest if they come onto your property.

  • WTWizard

    Display a Ouija board, about 15 black candles, and a baphomet. Tell them they are just in time for a dedication ritual to Father Satan. If nothing else, that will be the end of that call. And if they are idiots enough to return, repeat the ritual and this time, light some of the candles.

  • IsaacJ22

    I was harassed for years after I left my KH. I still have to deal with them on occasion since my in-laws are JWs and sometimes get a bur up their tailpipes. Stuff like this can be very good to know.

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