Shunning - Irony, Hypocrisy and Tragedy - Watchtower

by wannabefree 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wannabefree

    Article by Marvin Shilmer which proves that Watch Tower is well aware that shunning kills.

  • diorama

    It made me feel v sad too Loosie though I did not know him.

    In the past I have been in the state of despair that Oompa was in, though unrelated to the wt.

    Connection would be a lack of love I guess, isolation but because of having no family rather than having family ordered to withhold love.

    I think that the wt actively enforce this removal of love of family support from humans is shameful hateful and murderous. They have no right and its inhumane.

    If householders knew that this was the deal when witnesses call at their door offering lurid magazines full of happy images of humans in paradise hugging animals and relate in a phoney ~ I feel your pain about the state of the world.. (small print being-wait, join us and we’ll really mess up your world)

    Then well people would not want anything to do with them, but no they save the good stuff till you are snared and all your chips are handed over and then used as ransom.

    Damn them. They offer lies and steal life.

    They are an insult to humanity.

    An additional post script here, Im sure you are aware but it’s worth saying as a warning-to look out for-well for anyone on line who may be feeling increased depression/suicidal ideation.. As often after suicides/reports of suicides there is something that is called the Werther effect, suicidal contagion cluster effect.. As in others can feel suicidal and statistically can suicides increase.

    Take care all.

  • tresdecu

    Some one here, more savy than me should put together a pdf file that is concise and damaging to the wt with shunning info...we can all email it, to as many as possible. TV, newspaper, etc...

    I just emailed the religion writer at our city paper...I am hoping by next years DC, he will have more to write than the usual fluff.

    Reading Oompa's post and knowing he took his life due to the emotionl pain that the WT promotes through Shunning is sickening.

    RIP Oompa

  • Eustace

    Some one here, more savy than me should put together a pdf file that is concise and damaging to the wt with shunning info

    That's a very good idea.

    I'll give it a try and post it within the next few days.

    Anyone else who wants to try can do so too.

  • tresdecu

    Thank-you so much!

    I thought if we all had a simple pdf with info, many of us could email to as many news outlets, radio talk shows, etc that we can think of.


    Very sad. Seeing his face makes a big impact for me. He seems like he was a fun person.

  • blindnomore

    Contrary to their own public version of July. 09 Awake, notice what the latest Watctower Study articles say.

    w5/15/2012, para 13 on page 26:

    13 Jehovah hates sin, and so should

    we. Indeed, we ought to move as far

    away from wrongdoing as possible and

    not see how close we can get to it without

    being overcome by sin. For instance,

    we need to guard against succumbing

    to apostasy, a sin that would make us

    unfit to glorify God. (Deut. 13:6-9) Let

    us therefore have nothing to do with

    apostates or anyone who claims to be

    a brother but who is dishonoring God.

    This should be the case even if he is a

    family member. (1 Cor. 5:11) We are not

    benefited by trying to refute the arguments

    of apostates or those who are critical

    of Jehovah’s organization. In fact,

    it is spiritually dangerous and improper

    to peruse their information, whether

    it appears in written form or it is found

    on the Internet.—Read Isaiah 5:20; Matthew


    w January 2013

    19 On the other hand, if you choose the path of resentment
    toward Jehovah, you will distance yourself from him.
    Really, what your beloved family member needs to see is
    your resolute stance to put Jehovah above everything else
    —including the family bond .
    So to cope with the situation,
    be sure to maintain your own spirituality. Do not isolate
    yourself from your faithful Christian brothers and sisters.
    (Prov. 18:1) Pour out your feelings to Jehovah in prayer. (Ps.
    62:7, 8) Do not look for excuses to associate with a disfellowshipped
    family member, for example, through e-mail.
    (1 Cor. 5:11) Stay absorbed in spiritual activities. (1 Cor.
    15:58) The sister quoted above says, “I know that I must stay
    busy in Jehovah’s service and keep myself in a spiritually
    strong condition so that when my daughter does come back
    to Jehovah, I will be in a position to help her.”

    What a deceitful organization! No wonder the Watchtower has 2 different magazines. One for the recruit(public version) and the other to control dedicated members(study atricle).

    RIP, Oompa.

  • Splash

    I've never commented on any of the oompa threads because I didn't really know him and I didn't want to be a "me too" kind of sycophant.

    But you know, I just have to.

    I read his agony and I feel crushed for him.

    I look at his picture and the hairs on my arms bristle up in emotion.

    How can a person, with dreams and needs and friends and life, how can they be driven to...

    I don't know. It's inhumane. It's just not right.

    I'm sorry oompa.

    I'm sorry you were so sad, so lost.

    I'm sorry I didn't know you more.

    I so wish with all my heart that things had been different for you.

    Peace to you dear oompa, and your loved ones.

    Splash. x x

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