Dexter Cometh! ...........and other delicious character actors you'd like to spend the night with.

by Cuebert 20 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Cuebert

    I'll go first.............since I'm here.

    Yes!!!! New Dex tomorrow night!

    I can't lie, I'm a little bit in love with Dexter. Alas, he is not alone on the list of guys that maketh me uber frisky.......


    Gary Oldman as Drexel the Pimp in True Romance

    Tom Hardy................he's especially sexy on his BBC series. Though also completely doable as Bane. I think the mask could actually be QUITE the intense prop. ;)

    Sean Penn in Mystic River

    Sean Penn in State of Grace

    Sean anything (except Milk..that was traumatizing for me. :( )

    Gary Oldman as Dracula

    Gary Oldman as pill popping classical music lover/contract killer Leon in The Professional

    Ok, Gary anything

    Brad Pitt (of course) But wait! Only Fight Club Brad Pitt or Inglorious Basterds Brad Pitt. Never, ever, ever Tree of Life Brad Pitt!

    Ok, I'd totally let Moneyball Brad Pitt get to second base...but that's it.

    Edward Norton..(sigh). American History X, Fight Club, Red Dragon, Primal Fear. No Hulk though. I'm just not into super heroes.

    Jeremy Renner as Jeffery Dahmer in Dahmer and also as Aaron Cross in Bourne Legacy oh and also as the bad mouthed ill tempered bad boy in The Town.

    Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn in LOTR.

    David O'Hara. AKA The Irishman in Braveheart

    I've also got a super intense thing for Tim Robbins in Legend.....

    Maybe it's the horns.........

    Eeeeesh! If I were a Hobbit my name might be Slutbo Baggins of the Shire.

  • Cuebert

    Correction. That's Tim Curry. Forgive me.

    Tim Robbins is like birth control for me.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    I have a huge man crush on Dexterlol

  • supernerdboy

    Penelipy cruses roll in venella sky. Sophia. Wow she was so cute in that movie. "See you in anouther life... When we are both cats." If you have not watched the movie you should check it out, it is way underrated. Tom cruse played a cool part and some might say it was cute./

  • ammo

    Brad Pitt In TROY!!! sooo does it for me

    John Hamm from Mad Men is also rather niiice

    and yes Sean Penn in Mystic River- Tasty annnnnd

    Hugh Jackman as he's downing some water half naked and glistening, in the outback, in AUSTRALIA check out that one vein all the way down to......

    Oh now look what you started!!!!

  • Twitch
    Gary Oldman as pill popping classical music lover/contract killer Leon in The Professional

    Actually that character was Stansfield, played by Oldman. Leon was the assassin he was after, played by Jean Reno.

  • mamochan13

    Nick Mancuso in his Stingray role used to always do it for me. Hot dreams . . . And not just about the car!

    I also had a big crush on William Shatner in the Star Trek reruns.

    ANd I'd do a threesome with Dylan Walsh and Julian McMahon (Nip/Tuck) anytime!!

    Michael C. Hall actually kind of creeps me out....

    Oh, and Alexander Skarsgard - yum. Theo Alexander is pretty tasty, too.

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    Viggo Mortenson as aragorn

    Jurgen Prochnow das boat and dune

  • freshstart

    OMG, Dexter is unbelievably sexy! Michael C Hall is easily one of the hottest men on this earth, in my humble opinion. :) He makes me feel naughty, lol. I always say he can put me on a table anytime he wants.

  • Glander

    Cue- you seem to be attracted to the ugly-edgy types. To each her own.

    female equimilants - Juliete Lewis, Laura Dern...?

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