Fb status of a Young JW Mom. Sooo Sick!

by 3dogs1husband 37 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • LouBelle

    I remember when I was about 9, we had travelled 100km's to go to the assembly. Travelled by a bus the kingdom hall had organised, it was peak summer in SA. I hadn't been feeling well and as I started to walk down the aisle to get off the bus I started swooning and saw black spots dancing in my vision, started throwing up.

    I was ill the whole day - we stayed.

  • snakeface

    This reminds me of the people who not only come to meetings, but also grab the microphones to give their profound comments. Then everyone else catches strep throat.

  • Dark Fader
    Dark Fader

    I actually perfected the "sick routine" when I was a kid. Used succesfully on many a meeting nights and school sometimes!

    What's the point of having your child be uncomfortable. Let me recall all the fine points I can recall from my countless assemblies- zilch!

  • Bobbi

    People drag their sick kids out all the time. It's not just JW's who insist on sitting thru whole conventions with sick kids or dragging kids with colds to the meetings. Take a good look around then next time you are at the mall. At least once a day I get a mom with a sick kid shopping in the store because the kid was too sick to go to school but if Mom has to take the day off she might as well get some shopping done.

    Common sense is not common.

    If you want to continue with the closemined judgemental thought processes of a well indoctrinated JW, go ahead, but try to not spew your misery on everyone else.

    Bobbi, proud mother of three boys and two cats.

  • Tylinbrando

    Bobbi, malls are really fun for kids especially with the bribes of ice cream and train rides. Meetings still suck for kids no matter what bribes used to get them there. Sheesh give em a break when they get sick at least. No wonder more and more JWs are losing custody for "negligence". When meeting attendance takes precedence over health, homework and happiness, it's easy for social workers to do their work in the best interests of children. Don't drink the kool aid.

  • Bobbi

    I give up :(

  • LisaRose

    My in laws were babysitting while I worked, and they dragged my kids to the hall even though my son said he didn't feel well. He barfed all over the Kingdom Hall. I was really mad about it, and I felt they got what they deserved. I hope those seats still smell like vomit.

    Doesn't that mom know she spread flu virus to everyone else?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    How unloving and inconsiderate of people showing up at the meetings I'll and infecting everyone else.

    I remember hearing parts where the speaker asked if anyone ever came home sick and tired of a long day at work, only to cancel attending the meeting. Some people raised their hands. Then he asked if any of us had gonbe to work sick. More people raised their hands. I got a little mouthy after that one. I stated that with instructions like that, I'm not shaking anyone's hand anymore.

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