Is the midweek meeting the new bookstudy in regards to attendance?

by solomon 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • solomon

    We had our circuit assembly last weekend and this was one of the needs of the circuit. One of the main points was mid week meeting attendance. Apparently the attendance is very low. It reminded me of how very few went to the book study and they used to complain about it.

    Now it is the mid week meeting that has low attendance. And I understand family worship is low also.

    One more point from the needs of the circuit: Not enough of you lazy bastards are pioneering!

  • NewYork44M

    That is good news. I cannot imagine how painful that midweek meeting is. And, family worship night, com' on, give me a break. How lame could that be.

  • cuckoo in the nest
    cuckoo in the nest

    How in the hell are they going to know about family worship participation? Are they installing spy cameras in everybody's houses to monitor compliance? They're making it up, it's nothing more than another shameless way to guilt trip the poor bloody infantry into breaking their backs for the org even more. If they're reliant on feedback from individual dubs, just tell them what they want to hear. Then trash the worship, go watch a DVD instead and the elders can go suck it.

  • Kojack57

    Is a lot of work being a j-dub, 5 meetings a week and study beforehand in order to prepare for it. Talks to prepare for brothers and sisters, not to mention field service. With the age of the Internet and people waking up to the hypocrisy of the BORG, people are tiring out.

    A lot of J-dubs are lurking and learning that what they belong to is in fact a CULT. No wonder the meeting attendance is low, some are becoming aware of the brainwashing they have been exposed to.


  • wasblind

    How in the hell are they going to know about family worship participation?_____Cuckoo in the nest

    That's what I want to know, Do they have to report attendance

    like they used to do when book studies where held in private homes ?

  • wasblind

    Kojack , shhh

    Don't tell nobody, keep this between me and you only

    but I got a feelin' those missin' numbers are addin' up

    here on this site

    Remember what James brown said ????

    Baby Baby I got the feelin'


  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Our midweek meeting attendance is a major problem. We average under 2/3rds of the publishers attending.

    The 'Book Study' has received many complaints for the poor writing of the 'Bearing witness' book, it just drags on week after week. I do not expect the 'Jeremiah Book', starting in few weeks to be any better.

    Almost every week there is a TMS student missing so we end up with a volunteer or the conductor having a go himself.

    The Service Meeting is a disaster zone, one old sister in her 80's told me she has never known the meeting to be so boring. It's just a re-hash every two years, review a DVD, how to start a fictional study etc.


  • blondie

    Growing up and until I left, the book study was the best attended meeting:

    only 1 hour

    in a private home/goodie night

    smaller group/chance to actually get to know people individually

    The worst attended one was the service meeting....sales meeting that is.

    lasted until 9:30 (later 9:15) too late for school children and little kids (to keep awake); along evening after working all day and having one more day ahead of you

    boring............least prepared by elders and audience

    (Theocratic school on written review night was a ghost town)

  • blondie

    So how do they know family worship is's supposed to be a family study in your own home. I understand that bible study slips are not turned in any more. So are "family heads" being put through an inquisition or are children being quizzed as to their being FW. I grew up with a jw parent who studied with me and my sliblings about once a year and nothing was said.

    The worst attended one was the service meeting....sales meeting that is.
    lasted until 9:30 (later 9:15) too late for school children and little kids (to keep awake); along evening after working all day and having one more day ahead of you.....Blondie

    Hey Blondie..

    I remember going to meetings as a kid..

    All our meetings were in the evening..

    It just messed you up for school..I was always tired..

    Kids can`t handle all the pointless WBT$ meetings and go to school..

    It`s too much..

    .................................... ...OUTLAW

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