Some questions for JWstruggle's apostasy trial videos: 1) What the heck happened with your marriage? Why did your wife divorce you? 2) We are supposed to believe that one of sisters in the hall made up the whole thing about you texting her "1914 is ******"?. What had you been telling other JWs? Were you going on the offensive? 3) I personally know of a brother that was questioning teachings to other brothers in his hall (elders and non-elders). He was eventually "marked", but not DFd. What did you do to warrant them bringing you in for a committee meeting (not saying it is right)? 4) I actually feel sorry for those Elders in the video. Their minds are closed and they are taking direction from the Governing Body, not God. 5) The star chamber things GOT TO GO! Seriously! Just give the offending JW the option of either private or public trial. Let them choose. BTW: Thanks for the videos. What kind of setup did you use?
JWStruggle Apostasy Trial Videos Questions
by turtleturtle 13 Replies latest jw experiences
Also, in the first part of video part 3, JWstruggle tried to argue something along the lines of: An old brother believes his dog will be resurected, so is he apostasizing? Whoa! Big difference between your situation and his. You have likely been SPREADING and/or promoting views different from official JW views. I am also betting that this is not the first time they have talked to you (2 or more brothers), regarding "apostate" views. I highly doubt that you were having casual views with JWs that also had concerns regarding the WT teachings, and that the next thing you knew you were in a judicial committee. If I am wrong, let me know.
Remember, I am not approving of the way the WT handles committee matters.
OK turtle....
You assume a lot. Ray posted all this but that doesn't mean he has to be questioned about his marriage. Instead of asking for more, just a thanks for the awesome job he did do would be fine. The rest in not our right to inquire. Please leave this alone.
thx xelder
Okay xelder...
Can you provide a link where he discusses his life situation.
@TurtleTurtle - Well I am happy to answer the questions I feel comfortable answering- you have the right to ask me anything, and I have the right to answer or not answer what I feel like answering. Here goes:
Why did your wife divorce you?
Wifey divorced me bc I was an "apostate" in her devout JW mind. Two years ago when I started to share what I had learned she freaked out. I did it too fast and not very well. I had barely been on JWnet it was not really that interesting to me at the time although I had lurked. Mainly I was immersed in debunking false teachings and finding out what the real truth was. Once I did, the marriage got worse and worse as she constantly brought up religion, and I tried to steer away from sensitive topics. The icing on the cake was when I finally had to share simple, age-appropriate truths with my kids, such as the fact that I couldn't see anything wrong with birthdays. That threw her into "mama bear" mode, defending her cubs from a dangerous wolf in her mind. This is honestly the primary reason she kicked me out and went to defcon 5 IMO.
What had you been telling other JWs?
I couldn't stand putting my light under a basket anymore and I shared TTATT with about three different brothers I was close to. One of them was an elder in another hall. He never said anything to the elders in my area. He disagreed with me but that was okay- I can agree to disagree and respect other people's beliefs. My friend Joe and I talked at length. About 6 months ago he had a medicial scare when he was visting me from out of town. I drove him to the ER, stayed with him all day at the hospital and it really upset me bc I though I might lose one of my best friends. He is an asleep JW and not a real studier and I felt that I had to tell him what I had learned. It's really as simple as that. Yes I have a blog and YouTube channel, but they didn't even bring those up or know about them. I am not trying to reach or deprogram every JW...only the ones that want help and want to know what's actually going on with this Org.
I am also betting this is not the first time they are talking to you
Actually it was, as far as anything Judicial. In all the years of being a JW I never was reproved or disciplined or on the wrong side of the table. I was on their side of the table many many times. For a number of years I was one of their "superstars" and so I think that was one of the reasons they handled me with kid gloves a little bit. IDK that's just the vibe I got.
Is that good enough for you Turtle? Do you require more? Ask away. I truly don't care what you or anyone else thinks of me anymore. I'm done with that crap. Like me or don't like me. Judge me any way your belief-system requires...
Ray Publisher,
While over the weeks I have got some reports of what you have been going through by scanning the recent topics on this forum, I confess that I have not listened to very much so far of your JC proceedings. But I do have some remarks that I hope will not be out of order. The volume of things going on on this site and only so much time in the day are as much excuse as I can offer for not being better prepared...
First I think you have done a service to the community, JWs, ex-JWs and those affected by WTS policies. Wherever the chips might fall, you have provided an important piece of evidence to examine.
From my own experience as a non-JW, but very much in the affected column, I found testimonies in civil court or public statements by board members very revealing. Sometimes it's like turning on the kitchen lights in the middle of the night and seeing what has crept onto the counters. I'll reserve judgment for what transpires in the JC process until I got a better picture.
But in the case of videos, beside being exposed to the procedure, there is also the matter of the transcript. It's valuable. I don't know if you have any yet or have any plans to make them, but I think it would be worthwhile. Here's an illustration.
In my short sampling of the 5th segment, I was struck by one segment of discussion. And maybe someone has already commented on this. One of the speakers, I believe it was you, remarks on participating in a number of other JC and disfellowship proceedings - and being carried along with a consensus. As a result many other people who experienced JCs who did not deserve it were disfellowshipped - if I am paraphrasing correctly.
Just this one bit of transcript picked up quickly and at random I think is a piece of dynamite.
Naturally, my questions are the following:
Does the testimony eventually describe the details of this "pressure to convict"?
Do you have specific cases which you can pin down where that pressure was applied and you think the person was wrongly convicted?
I would be very interested in your comments or anyone else's with knowledge of the process.
I truly don't care what you or anyone else thinks of me anymore. I'm done with that crap. Like me or don't like me. Judge me any way your belief-system requires...
When you get to that stage, you have truly escaped and have discovered your real self. Good luck on your new journey...
@xelder - Thanks a lot for saying that bro I appreciate it. The friends that I now have are people that don't judge me by how many hours in field service I put in! People like you and Greybeard, lifeistooshort, tornapart, Londo, Andrew, Jojo, SIAM, on and on it goes... that's what has helped me get through this ordeal and I thank God every day for the friends I have like you xelder!
@kepler - Thanks for the kind words. Eventually a transcript might get done, but honestly I have been so swamped lately. And now my blog is having database issues and no one can post or comment on it so I have to get that working next. Everything has been put on hold the last couple weeks to get these videos put together and online. Somebody just translated one of them into Spanish- I couldn't believe that.
Your questions are good and there are a number of knowledgable people on here that could probably answer better than me- I am running out of time so that's all I can say right now about that!
@undercover - Amen bogey!
I have a question too Ray: Have you gotten any feed back from the Borg about these recordings? I am sorry to say that I cannot watch them all because of the time restrictions given by internet service provider, but what I did see was captivating.
JW GoneBad
‘Why did your wife divorce you?
Wifey divorced me bc I was an "apostate" in her devout JW mind.......This is honestly the primary reason she kicked me out and went to defcon 5 IMO.’
RayPublisher : It must be difficult for you. I’ll be thinking of you. I wish you happiness in the days ahead and look forward to more of your posts.