"Quackery" banned !!! Gay conversion therapy now illegal...

by irondork 12 Replies latest social current

  • irondork

    ... in California.

    Hallelujah! It's a start.


    SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Gov. Jerry Brown has signed legislation that makes California the first state to ban a controversial form of psychotherapy that's aimed at making gay teenagers straight.

    Effective Jan. 1, mental health practitioners are prohibited from performing sexual orientation change efforts — known as reparative or conversion therapy — for anyone under 18.

    The therapies "have no basis in science or medicine and they will now be relegated to the dustbin of quackery," Brown said in a statement.

    Mainstream associations representing psychiatrists and psychologists have dismissed reparative therapy in recent decades. A number of mental health associations in California — including the state's Board of Behavioral Sciences, the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists and the California Psychological Association — supported the legislation.

    But some organizations and ministries continue to use counseling and prayer to try to help conflicted Christians rid themselves of unwanted homosexual inclinations. Gay rights activists have said the damage they inflict on individuals can be deep and lasting and can put youth at higher risk of depression and suicide.

    "We're grateful to Gov. Brown for standing with California's children," the Human Rights Campaign said in a statement. "LGBT youth will now be protected from a practice that has not only been debunked as junk science, but has been proven to have drastically negative effects on their well-being."

    The group called on other states to follow California's lead on the issue.

    Conservative religious groups and some Republicans have argued that banning conversion therapy would hinder parents' right to provide psychological care for children experiencing gender confusion.

    The Encino, Calif.-based National Association for Research and Therapy on Homosexuality said in August that the bill was a case of "legislative overreach." They said Democratic state Senator Ted Lieu's claims of harm to children were based on politics, not research.

    Lieu, who sponsored the bill, said the law will stop children from being psychologically abused.

    Brown signed the bill Saturday amid a busy weekend that saw him act on more than 100 pieces of legislation, including a bill he signed late Sunday that would allow some illegal immigrants to get California drivers licenses.

    The bill lets the Department of Motor Vehicles issue licenses to illegal immigrants eligible for work permits under a new Obama administration policy. It requires the department to accept as proof of legal residence whatever document the federal government provides to participants in its deferred action program.

    The governor also signed into law a bill that will allow parents who don't have their children vaccinated to enroll their children in school. Parents would have to obtain a waiver from a physician or a nurse practitioner saying they received information about the benefits and risks of immunization.

    Brown vetoed a bill that could have protected illegal immigrants from deportation if they committed minor infractions. The bill was dubbed "anti-Arizona" legislation, a reference to that state's immigrant identification law.

    He also vetoed legislation that would have provided overtime pay, meal breaks and other labor protections to an estimated 200,000 caregivers, nannies and house cleaners. The Democratic governor said they deserve fair pay and safe working conditions but said the bill "raises a number of unanswered questions."

  • Diest

    It is a great start. I hope they continue to ban this across the country.

  • designs

    Science wins out

  • wannabefree

    (edit) ... ah, forget it


  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    We'll see if that will be enough to keep Michele Bachmann and her whack-job hubbie from relocating to CA. :)

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    I am always a little uneasy with the LGBT term though, in my mind, the term Gay is gender neutral

    The way I see it is that these people have been rejected for so long and this is a term that makes them feel included. Also, Transgendered isn't in itself "gay". These are people that feel they were born in the wrong body. They feel like a man but they were born a woman and vice versa. Some of them are in a womans body and are naturally attracted to a woman because they are a "man". But this isn't always the case. Some transgendered people are born a woman and are attracted to men even though they also identify as "men".

    I see what you mean in the terminology of "gay" and "lesbian". But it's an effort to include everyone in the gay and transgendered community.

  • wannabefree

    Sorry about that Christ Alone, my edit takes away the source for your reply ... didn't want to go off-topic

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    On the subject, though, I am glad that they banned this. So much of this projects guilt and fear onto the gay community, and how is that any different from JWs? I'm convinced that gay people are born that way, as most others do.

  • irondork

    wannabefree: ... in my mind, the term Gay is gender neutral ... am I wrong?

    I've always been a little confused about the necessity of using both "gay" and "lesbian" in the same sentence, since "gay" is gender neutral, as you said. I'm sure some gays and lesbians feel there is some legitimate reason for it that, frankly, will always escape me. Solution? I don't worry about it. I just go along with the accepted standard because no matter how many times I hear it or say it myself... it didn't hurt!

    Regarding the bi-sexual orientation.... it's not an orientation I am able to relate in to, but I accept that some people have a ligitimate sexual attraction to both sexes, to a greater or lesser (or same) degree. However, it is when that individual expresses the "homosexual" aspect of his or her bi-sexuality that brings the social stigma upon that person. I have no doubt the inner conflict a bi-sexual experiences can be troubling and is not something I am qualified to speak to. But as far as labeling bi-sexuals along with gays, lesbians, and transgendered folks, it is the homosexual aspect that ties us all together.

  • irondork

    Christ Alone: These are people that feel they were born in the wrong body. They feel like a man but they were born a woman and vice versa.

    That's true, and I stand corrected. I have met a few transgendered folks in my travels and they do not consider themselves homosexual, just in the wrong body.

    They are in a better position to make that determination than anyone else.

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