On part of me says, Whatever works for people - I guess??
Yet the notion of a buddy system leaves me worried about these sorts of potentially intense and exploitative roles.
As with the AA organization, it may be absolutely critical to have clear ethical guidelines on what the buddy system includes (and excludes). It would be highly important to think through the Pros and Cons of such an arrangement because the intended beneficiaries would be isolated and vulnerable individuals.
I would imagine that some of the more (how shall I put this without unintentionally offending anyone?) religious ex-JWs may jump at the chance to be a buddy to others who are struggling with their JW connection. What this raises is the whole notion of power differentials: Even though it is called a 'buddy" system it is clear that one party is offering help of some kind. With that offer must also come accountability and boundary keeping. Buddy systems always run the risk of unintentional exploitation (e.g., proselytizing desperately unhappy but needy ex-JWs) to say nothing of more overt exploitation (e.g., sexual). Anyone who has been on the receiving end of such exploitation will know what I am referring to. Certainly, as a registered health professional I'm fully aware of how easily "volunteers" get entangled in their best intentions to help others. Besides, who will vet the buddy's? It's a common observation that the people most likely to volunteer as buddy's are perhaps not the best suited (e.g. how many people with unresolved issues step in to try to help others when they should sort themsleves out first?).
I'm not sure how you'd ensure vetting without some centralized system - and then it begins to look a difficult thing to do.
People often start out with the best of intentions in terms of the support they're prepared to offer but may find that it is more demanding than anticipated or riskier (e.g., ex-JWs who express suicidal intent)?
Forums such as this are less likely to lead to such difficulties because the specific aim is not to foster intense emotionally supportive (and needy) networks.