How old were you when you lost your virginity...

by butalbee 122 Replies latest social relationships

  • Shimmer

    I was 19. I had been dating an elder's son on and off for 3 years. We finally got to the point where we couldn't keep our hands off each other any more. He was very sweet and gentle and I wasn't disappointed.


    Maybe being oneself is alway an acquired taste.-----PATRICIA HAMPL

  • teenyuck

    I was about 19....right before I drifted was my sophomore year at the community college. I met a guy who was older in class. He was about 30. He seemed so smart. We did it in my bedroom, when my Mom was at the meeting! We also left the blinds open, which I can't recall why.

    I can't remember the day, year, his name (though I can see his face), or if it was any good. I guess it wasn't!

  • somebody

    too close to 21 and thinking I'd never get up the courage to do it, and die an old maid. {stupid things young people do} So one night I went out on a mission. He was 32. I got wasted and actually asked him to do me the favor. I have to say that it was the most terrible experience of my life. But hey....mission was acomplished.


  • Elsewhere

    I have to go with Clinton on this one... it all depends on what definition of "sex" is being used.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • butalbee

    Elsewhere, I'm not asking you if you got head in the oval office....

  • Alana

    <<Abaddon said: I only discovered later that making love, having sex and fucking are three seperate things...>>

    This is sure true...I just was telling someone this week the almost exact thing....took me a while to figure that out, though.

    I was 20 1/2 (almost Old Maid status for JWs in my neck of the woods) and on my first wedding night. We had ALMOST gone all the way before, but tried hard to keep under control before that....we were fucking idiots (excuse the pun) and didn't know what we were doing and it wasn't the most pleasant experience, I'm afraid to say.

    Now, before my second JW marriage, I made sure that part was at least worked out first....before I said "I DO". LOL

    Now, with no JWs or marriage, it's been the best ever. :-)

  • ring
    It was July 4, 1971-Seeker4

    Common pregnancy term:40 weeks=280 days
    280 days from July 4, 1971 = April 10, 1972

    ARE YOU MY DADDY???????

  • SYN

    What I'd like to know is, all these people who say they are saving themselves for their wedding night (women especially): what exactly are you saving? Your innocence?

    For all eternity the definition of virginity has been a pretty shakey one. Women for instance can tear their hymen simply by riding a horse slightly too vigorously, or falling down a flight of steps.

    I don't see why people even bother labelling themselves as virgins - why not rather be a bit more candid and just say "Look, I've had sex" or "No, I haven't had sex".

    Sex isn't the horrid thing that most people like to portray it as.

    But this is a social thing, as per usual. A lot of the smaller, more obscure cultures on Earth see sex as a beautiful, natural thing, and that's the view I like to go with. There are no 'virgins' in many of these societies.

    Would you buy a car if you hadn't taken it for a test drive first? What if you and your husband are *physically* incompatible in bed? Would you like to live with that sexually incompatible man for the rest of your life? Surely it's easier just to try it a coupla times rather than have an expensive, painful divorce years later?

    "...the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing" - The Golden Age
    [SYN], UADA
    - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa.

  • Naeblis

    People get divorced cause of bad sex? People that shallow shouldn't be getting married :)

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    whats with all the bolds, syn?? kinda gets annoying after awhile and totally loses its affect when you use it so much...

    (¯`·.¸the agents of oblivion descend upon the sane¸.·´¯)

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