Did You Know A Lot Of Elders That Simply Weren't Too Bright?

by minimus 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I don't think any of the elders in my hall were low IQ, I just think they suffered from a total lack of insight and common sense.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Lady Lee it is hard to get my mind around the fact that you got df’d (I mean that in a good way). You are truly a Lady among us here.

  • minimus

    Getting disfellowshipped can be a badge of honor too.

  • Kudra

    omg, I *loved* Armageddon Oakies!

  • ShirleyW

    No Min, I live in NYC

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    So, if the past and present are any indicators, the prospects of future quality Elders among JWs isn’t looking too good!

  • minimus

    Shirley, Hi titties must be a tough one...lol

  • cuckoo in the nest
    cuckoo in the nest

    It's not the ignoramus elders that used to worry me, but the smart ones. Those you'd expect to be able to see through the illusion, but somehow still swallowed it whole. There was one in particular, who had the demeanour of an elderly academic. Well educated, he was a Cambridge man with a good knowledge of the classics and fluent in latin. I had a lot of time for him, he was an oasis of intelligence in a desert of dumbasses.

    Despite being a true believer, I think even he was exasperated by the lack of brainpower demonstrated by the congregation. He'd shoot me a pained expression sometimes, such as when the watchtower reader pronounced the word "grandiose" as "grand-oyse". Or the memorable synchronised double-facepalm from us both. A roman legion was mentioned in some publication by it's number in roman numerals, II, and instead of reading it as "secondus" the reader said it was "eleventh". Now there's a future elder. Reductio ad absurdum indeed...

  • cuckoo in the nest
    cuckoo in the nest

    The former COBE was intelligent too, but in a rather sinister way, he reminded me of Monty Burns from The Simpsons. I always thought he was just one toxic chemical spill away from being a super-villain.

  • jam

    JW GoneBad: Prior to 1975 the great influx (1965-1975),

    a large number of professional folks came in, Lawyers, doctors,

    teachers. In my congregation that was the elders, 12 or more.

    Today with the borg stand on higher education what are the chances

    that you will get an elder with a education higher then high school.

    So you are right, it isn,t looking good for the RF.

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