"Cannabis the Evil Weed" You Tube BBC Horizon
by frankiespeakin 64 Replies latest jw experiences
skin cancer remissions w/hemp oil --- seriously? Is prescription required for this? Which video? Almost everyone I know over 50 is being treated for skin cancer or basil cell -- whatever. Thanks.
Muddy Waters
Frankiespeakin: "If I stick to a indica strain of cannabis the high is more mild and less confrontational of my shadow repressions, whereas a predominate sativa strain make me more prone to face repressions I have tucked away in my shadow."
This is a really neat way to describe the negative inward journey that can sometimes happen when one gets buzzed, and I've no idea how to overcome this when it happens.
Would *really* like some suggestions or advice on how to overcome (or better deal with) these "confrontations with the repressions tucked away in my shadow"...!!!
?? -
You have to face those demons head on. You can't tuck them away. Go hang with some native Americans in a sweat lodge. Show those demons who is boss!
THC does have a tendancy to release into consciousness repressed thoughts and perhaps amplifies them, CBD on the other hand tends toward anti anxiety while causing repressed thoughts and feelings to come to consciousness. My recomendation get a higher CBD producing and a lower producing THC cannabis.
Muddy Waters
Thank you for your replies, Data-Dog & Frankiespeakin!
Shoot, I get a "try again later" on the Bruce Lee youtube video.
Will try for a higher CBD strain... sometimes ya gotta takes what's out there... thank you for your advice! :) -
High CBD Strains:
Increasing interest in CBD-rich cannabis driven by preliminary research suggesting its efficacy and mounting anecdotal evidence has led patients to seek cannabis with known ratios of CBD to THC with the highest possible total CBD levels.
Driving the search have been patients whose serious medical problems —Parkinson’s, ALS, Autism, Epilepsy, Cancer, MS, various inflammatory conditions, and others— have not been amenable to conventional treatments.
Through our work at Pure Analytics Lab, we have developed a body of information illustrating phenotypic and thus genotypic relationships and distributions of the various desired CBD:THC ratios across multiple generations of CBD-rich varieties. Of special interest to patients are strains with CBD:THC ratios of 1:1, 2:1, and 20:1. These observations can hopefully aid the progression of the development of even more Ultra High-CBD cannabis, UH-CBD.
Through 2011, all known commercially available CBD-rich cannabis seed —Cannatonic, Sour Tsunami, et al—produced CBD-rich seedlings at a rate of 25%. Meaning 3 out of 4 seeds produced THC-dominant seedlings. As of 2012, some commercially available seeds have been demonstrated to produce CBD-rich plants at a rate of 50%. These include the Harle-Tsu and Canna-Tsu from Southern Humboldt Seed Collective.
In 2010 the breeding of 2:1 CBD:THC plants with a THC-dominant parent resulted in a few seed populations with a reliable occurrence of 25% CBD-rich seeds. Among the CBD-dominant seedlings, a mix of both 2:1 and 1:1 CBD:THC ratios were consistently observed in multiple varieties. These ratios were first identified in the seedlings and then confirmed through repeat analysis of the final flowers. In 2011 came reports —validated by lab tests— of plants containing twenty times more CBD than THC. The unique find was termed “ACDC” by those who possessed isolated female plants. This ACDC strain, also known as C-6, consistently exhibited 16-20% CBD and 0.5-1% THC by weight. This “ACDC” cultivar was later identified as a variant of Cannatonic, a strain distributed by Resin Seed Co. of Spain then in its second generation of breeding development.
CBD:THC ratios are apparent through lab testing within two weeks of emergence of the seedling from the surface of the soil.
muddy waters
I agree that you have to face your demons, then you can start to heal. What I found helpful was reading books on basic psychology and cognitive behaviour. Talking and associating with others who have experienced similar. Positive thinking. Experiencing joy and happiness. Good mates are vital. Proper mates.
I haven't got a clue about the different strains etc. It was when I made a new friend ( who would turn out to be my future partner ) that got me on it and it was the start of my recovery. i started to sleep again, started to eat again, started to exercise, gave me confidence and a sense of well being, I was able to think again, was able to interactive with people again. Basically I started to feel alive again and was able to rebuild my shattered life. I wanted to live again.
We can even remember the first time I laughed again.
I feel for you, it's hard but you can do it.
edited to add; Bruce Lee ....... oooooooooooooooh. lol.
Muddy Waters
Wow, Data-Dog! I re-tried the youtube video and this time it worked… very intense! Good message there about facing those demons… thank you.
Interesting studies, frankiespeakin!! Very interesting stuff. As Carl Sagan says (and ironically, whom the WTBTS likes to quote sometimes!! - albeit about other subjects), criminalization of cannabis is criminal!
And *lost*, yes, thank god I have a wonderful husband! Best in the world! And ha, have to say it was almost a shock for us as well to hear me really laugh again!!
I do feel that my journey out of WT-land has been helped by the occasional use of cannabis… it helps bring CLARITY and PEACE… and as Sagan says, promotes serenity, fellowship, sensitivity and insight. (But ha, that insight can be painful at times… so really do appreciate your thoughts on this!)
I'm still working on the social aspect… am meeting new people and discovering (so surprising at first, lol!!) that they ARE NOT all evil, degenerate, immoral people! There are wonderfully kind and good people out there, people who are charitable, hospitable, generous, funny, enjoying life, and yes, educated even!! It's like a whole world has opened up (well, yes it has!) and it's filled with wonder and discovery and I sometimes feel so old and that I've missed so much…. but of course can't dwell on that!
Thank you all for your helpful responses … I see wonderful positive replies like this as gifts… just as cannabis feels like a gift from the universe…
Hopefully will find some strains that help free myself without having to fight many more demons (or the same ones, over and over! Ack!) … but hopefully that wonderful video will come to mind and I'll kick their butt!!! :)
Muddy, if I may offer my viewpoint (personal experience, not advice). MJ *does* relieve pain, and stress. When the pain and/or stress is relieved, other issues, that have been pushed to the back because we need to deal with the pain or stress, or whatever,,, NOW... those issues may come rushing back in.
As a former poster, and mod, Big Tex, would say < breathe in > < breathe out > ...
ahhhh ... relax .. if a problem or stresser comes into your mind, have a notepad where you write it down. Do that, then have a cup of tea,,, focus on something you enjoy,, be it painting, WOW, shooting hoops, gardening, or whatever.
When you are rested, feeling strong, and clear-headed, look at your notes, and do some work on your issues. Get counselling, or rest .. or holy jeebus,, just a break from a busy life!