Possibly The Most Important Issue Of Our Time

by metatron 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    And this: The 'Sirius' documentary's director (which I recommended in my first post) had a father.

    His father was murdered shortly after the Sirius documentary was announced. A "madman" gunned down a bunch of people in a Sikh temple recently, including the director's father.


    Do I have to spell it out for you? That maybe somebody was sending a message that they don't want the documentary made?

    Or was it just coincidence....................?



    Well Metatron... You already know the answer. Yes the Gov has tech that we don't, I've watched Real Genius 3 times so I know. Why isn't Dr. Greer dead already? That's my red-flag. Is he too much of a high profile target now? Are they wanting to frighten him? If he is right about what's really going on, why is he still alive? I would love to believe he is right. There is only one thing to do. Contact his web-site and learn how to call in a U.F.O yourself. The scientific method must apply right? It should be repeatable for anyone if it is true. Otherwise he is a scammer, like the GB. What if the whole disclosure project in a mis-information campaign on a huge scale? I would love to believe that it is not. Are we the generation that is finally going to get some REAL answers? I just want the PROVEN TRUTH!!! I don't even care if the truth is that Aliens are going to kill us all, or make us slaves to rebuild the Pyramids and Judge Rutherford is gonna suck my soul out so he can live forever! That sounds better than the JW alternative, 1,000 more years of being " organized " while being forced to wear khaki pants with a braided leather belt and my shirt tucked in, being forced to play kingdom melodies at a picnic before I go install some silt-fence for the Elders, and I STILL DON'T KNOW IF I'M GOOD ENOUGH!!!! I will try to call in some aliens if you will!

  • Finkelstein

    Possibly The Most Important Issue Of Our Time

    Yes, that conspiracy theorists are nut jobs

  • Nambo

    "A frequent commentator on clandestine subjects recently blogged about his wonderment that so many people getting their pay from the government seem recently to be coming forward and asserting that the US has such technology."

    Which suggests to me that they want us to belive in little green men from Mars rather than God, which gives credence to the conspiracy theory which is NASAs "Project Blue beam".

    Revelation 13 v 13 states the World Government architects will be able to perform great signs even to make fire come down from the sky in order to mislead, Google Norway Spiral to see they allready have the technology that Project Bluebeam requires.

  • metatron

    The sad fact is that too many of you don't think past a few glib dismissals to realize that religions and governments ARE conspiracies by their very nature ! And very successful ones at that!

    The Vatican, the Watchtower, the US government - a bunch of people meet in secret and figure out how to control or scam people.

    It isn't a choice between a conspiracy and a conventional narrative. It's a choice between conspiracies because that's how the world really works.

    When Presidents can't get a straight answer from the very government they supposedly lead (Carter, Clintons) something is very wrong.

    Did President Eisenhower warn against the 'unwarranted influence of the military industrial complex' ?

    I guess he was a conspiratist, too.


  • metatron

    Did the head of the most advanced aircraft design in the world (Lockheed "Skunkworks") admit that the US has ET technology?


    Hilarious, isn't it? A laugh riot. Certainly nothing anyone should investigate - especially since you already 'know' it can't be true, right?


  • tornapart

    I think there's too much stuff out there for there not to be something behind it. What it actually is; who knows? I think I'm still in the camp of 'seeing is believing' but I'm not totally dismissive either.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    People go to college to figure out how to go into business and get everybody in the world, in their

    country to give them a dollar.

    These truths that you speak of would take the dollar out of the hands of all these business major sleezeballs.

    The powers that be are going to fight these truths to the death. They are going to suppress and hide these


    They dont care how many humans they kill. They dont care how much suffering there is

    They just want to win their monopoly game.

    Aside from that Metatron, I agree with you.

  • cobaltcupcake

    Metatron, I celebrate your right to speak your mind.


    The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses

  • JWB

    Could this technology be of a more earthly origin?

    Nazi Flying Saucers of WW2


    Maybe "Operation Paperclip" brought in some expertise in this area?


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