How did going to the Kingdom Hall, interfere with your TV viewing? I love watching American football, so right after the meeting all in my family would go straight for the car, so we could catch as much as possible.
TV & Kingdom
by WildTurkey 14 Replies latest jw friends
Lets see:
In the 80's we used to hide under the car or run down to the creek in order to get out of Sunday late arvo meetings cause it clashed with Disney didn't it!!!!
Then there was Wednesday nites for a while, while I was 16 and I used to get peeved cause I'd miss the Simpsons and the X Files - we were pov's then, no video player!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
How could you people think about TV on a meeting night? Didn't you go home and reflect on the meeting over a cup of tea and a slice of cake...discussing all the upbuilding points with your spouse/siblings or children? Nah, me either. My ex always thought I was such a rebel..I'd flick on the TV and try and catch the late news...then I'd crack the shits if I'd missed it because he had to stay back and do elder I begged him to let us buy a tool of satan (video recorder) but he was reluctant...because that would mean more time spent in front of the television. I used to video tape ER...that was the only show I was allowed to watch
When I was a kid, mom went to meetings on Sunday, Wed. and Thursday. Now the congeration we went to had bookstudy on Tue or Wed, but mom choose to go to Wed. At the time we did not have cable. And I forgot what was on at the time. Wed. night was the only good night that had any thing worth watching. I remember asking her why, we could not go on Tue. instead. Her answer was I like having all the meeting clumpted in one part of the week. My mom was one who did not believe in missing any meetings, even when the car was broke down. And most of the time the car was either broke down, or dad had it. Dad was not a JW. So we would end up walking to the kingdom hall and back home after it was over. It was a 10 mile walk from my home to the hall. Man that sucked big time. It was one of those sucky congerations also. One of those places who had their clicks. And if you was not rich, or family..they did not give a dam about you. Aparently they must have pissed someone off, because they had their kingdom hall burned down. If you are wondering which hall I am talking about, it is at Durant, Oklahoma. That was back in the 1980's.
Excuses are like butts. Everyone's got em and they all stink.
I use to have an open mind,
but my brains kept falling out. -
We used to miss so much before we got a VCR... but I remember having the BS at our house and my father was counselled as the video recorder used to kick in during the BS recording something on timer record!! Ohhhhh those were the days!
"My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"
(For UK posters) - Top Of The Pops on a Thursday night!! The only exceptions being if you were ill, or it was the Thursday before a CA or DC... this was all pre the mass advent of the VCR... Of course, once I was too much of an old fart to appreciate it, they changed it to a Friday!!
"They never told me what was the truth - just a young man losing his youth..."
- The Stranglers, 'Bear Cage' -
The worse is when you have 3 congregations meeting at the same hall. And you're stuck at a time whn you have to miss a football game. But I can remember on Superbowl Sunday how crowded our meeting was. People visiting... Elders included, so they could get home early and catch the game.
LOL when you read threads and posts like these you realize just how similar everyone is around the world who dealt with "Da Troof"
We had the same issue in my old congregation. During football season I would even go out to my truck during the Watchtower Study and listen to my radio and hide behind my tinted windows.
Ironic how when it was a big game you would have so many people "visiting" because their meeting time was during the game.
I was one of them. Hypocrites.
I remember we had one meeting that started at 7:30 at nite , not sure which one it was thou. We lived 2 blocks from the hall, but since daddy was an elder we had to be there early. I always wanted to watch Happy Days, the Fonz was so coool! I only got 5 mins of it , I never in my whole life saw more than that of the entire show. Later as an adult I loved ER, I honestly was glad to stay home just to watch it!
How sad is that? LOL But since wild turkey told you how much he loved to catch the game, let me tell you another little secret he had!!hehe If it came on early , before the meeting was over, he would take one of the unruly children with him to the car and listen to the game on the radio!!!! Dont you just love him!! Boy he would jump when he would see someone come up to that car. I bet he turned the game down so they wouldnt hear what he was listening too. He was the only man in our hall that was not a sissy , all the other brothers didnt even like sports much less football. -
Mister Biggs
I used to always miss NBC's 'Must See TV-Thursday'.
That meant no 'Cheers' and no 'The Cosby Show'.
Sigh...L. Ron Hubbard was killed by fire ants.