When did the Governing Body leaders turn into pawns of Satan? Have they always been, or is this something recent?

by matt2414 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • matt2414

    I was wondering about this because I have been telling people I left the Organization because of all the anti-Christian teachings and revelations of late, such as:

    • Hypocritically joining the United Nations even though they teach that all supporters of the U.N. will be destroyed;
    • Harboring child abusers – Ps. 50:16-18
    • Going “beyond what is written” by forbidding higher education even though such knowledge results in better use of the brains God gave us
    • Promoting the worship of the Governing Body over God and Christ even though that is idolatry
    • Sustained Hitlerian opposition to gays in the congregation, something Christ never taught, and the list goes on ...

    Now, after reviewing the teachings from the time of Russell and Rutherford in the early 1900s such as the use of the cross, the celebration of holidays, helping the war effort, the mystic use of pyramids, all things that the organization now condemns, I wonder, did the Witnesses EVER have the so-called truth? How stupid was I?

    Did I go along with all these lies because I was indoctrinated as a teenager? If that's the case, it's no wonder they don't want their members going to college to develop thinking ability.

    [edited so we could read it - Lady Lee]

  • perfect1

    this is greek to me.

  • kurtbethel

    Definitely when Rutherford started channeling invisible spirit creatures, the Watchtower embraced the dark side.

    Watchtower bible tract society jehovah's witness channeling spiritism Rutherford Satan

  • EndofMysteries

    DEFINITELY the day Rutherford took over by force. Perhaps even shortly before that. When Russell or the WT printed about letting the bible be the final authority, no organization is needed and not to bind other's consciences to yourself, that was truth. The moment that changed, which I know for a fact was at the very latest the day Rutherford took over, is when for sure Satan was able to really influence things.

    The same pattern is used, if you read the Two Babylon's book, with earth Christians or the catholics, it starts out right, then over the period of many years, never overnight, but the course of 20/50/100/200. The truth and as Daniel prophecy speaks of, bits of truth is used.

    The pattern being used today is very new and VERY satanic. The teachings today for everyone would bring up major red lights. Once they had the seperation of the WT, and even before that, the Awake was used since it wasn't studied. But for those being witnessed to, they are told it won't break up their family, that's a lie by apostates, everyone should be free to choose and not have to pick family or their beliefs (this is told to those who's familys object to them studying or even when they are asked to investigate their own beliefs). ALso how JW's themselves and even on the JW faith are constantly encouraged to make sure our own beliefs are in harmony w/ the scriptures. Also about sin and elders, they are told ALL they can do is hear their confessiona nd provide encouragement and such, that's it. ONCE THEY ARE IN AND BAPTISED or just in, the study articles and everything have snuck in to changing that they can't and shouldn't study the bible or harbor private ideas, to trust in the faithful slave, and that serious sin needs a judicial committee, and about family or worldy's being bad association.

    At one point I thought maybe they were ignorant, but when I saw the difference between the two, then it's WILLFUL AND EVIL.

    I now see the JW's as having become Satan's trap of leaving false religion. People who see lies and such in it, or seeking to really do what's right, will find this. They get sucked in from lies and have things changed. Now they are guilty of juding others, of idolatry and putting the GB above God, of blocking holy spirit and understanding, etc.

  • EndofMysteries

    O and I didn't mean they had the truth in Russells time either, but from what I've read from his readings, he was looking for it. Even though the pyramid thing seems crazy, I understood why he could have thought that. It was based on scriptures. But at the core, freedom to read the bible, try to see what the bible teaches, not bind your conscience to others, the 'rules' started off true.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    I don't think anyone channels invisible spirits anymore, nor do I think the JWs are satanic pawns. I do think that members of the church are putting their faith in people who aren't very clued in to Christianity, its history, what we've learned from newly discovered ancient texts that are part of Christian libraries. Doctrines such as calling God "Jehovah," soul sleeping, Armageddon, and resurrection are all demonstably WRONG. Bizarre notions like yelling "Jehovah!" when in danger, use and policies about the use of the cross, Jesus being the pre-existent Michael, and refusing blood transfusions are ridiculous and, in the last case, dangerous.

    Now evangelicals say the JWs worship a "different" Jesus and, because of this, they will end up first on the left hand of God and then in the everlasting pokey, otherwise known as the pit of fire. I have a hard time thinking a kind and merciful God would torture any person for their personal beliefs. I can say that and still believe that no one can be saved without Christ; however, I'm less apt to say when the cut off is. Is it at death? Is it after death but before the resurrection? I read a lot of life after life stories and yes, some people did visit a hell, but these tended to be people who were liars, adulterers, people who were obsessed with making money and not giving to the poor. But I've yet to see a good, decent, honorable Jew going to hell just because he was Jewish.

    Bottom line: The JWs are a stubborn people with bizarre beliefs. But while they dole out judgment to others, they do so without any kind of divine authority. After all, they can't claim to be a continuation of ancient Christianity, nor a restoration of ancient Christianity. So what can they claim to exercise the keys of the Kingdom that were to given to Peter? Nothing. Either those keys continued on through the Catholic or Orthodox sects or they were or will be restored to the Earth. But the JWs can claim neither. The ancient prophets did not point to the JWs as the Kingdom of God, nor did angels visit any of the early JW leaders. So in the end, they're just another manmade church.

  • Hortensia

    I have no answer, but I love your question.

  • QC


    Yep, Rutherford using a corporate business model (wth zone, regional, district, circuit, city and local congregation managers) crafted a publishing house industry, with Bethelite free labor and local sales force of publisher free labor, to amass great wealth (NY and international realestate, etc).

    This was a huge departure from Russell's modest para-ministry of Bible students informing Christian churches (of all flavors) about Bible "truth," specializing in Jesus' prophecy of his "second coming" and the "end time" (similar to Hal Lindsey and Joel Rosenberg today). "End time" and "Jesus second coming" is a very popular conversation mong Christians since the 19th century turn into the 20th century. Russell had no intention of forming a new religious denomination. When the "end" did not come, Rutherford parlayed hangers-on into a busness empire with enticing big ideas called "new light": an earthly "great crowd" of semi-righteous along wth a small mysterious group of heavenly very righteous "anointed" elite Christians. He ideas became very enticing when he pinned the mame "Jehovah" (without authorization) as a label of authenticity, creating an illusion of "true" genuine Christians.

    Russell was faithflly dedicated to finding the truth. His "Bible Students get credit for calling 1914 correctly as the beginning of the "end time" season. True, they are in the fog on details, not seeing clearly how this season would unfold.

    Check out more details under "Timeline" and "Born Anew" here: http://www.laissezcom.com.


  • EndofMysteries

    Thanks Kurt, that was an amazing link. I already had the seola book, and recently on the anointed being resurrected, the wt article from 2007, had suspected spiritism, and that it would have began between 1918 and 1935. Finally all the pieces of the puzzle come together.

    I really need to put everything together, all the topics, scriptures, and those incredible quotes.

    The WT Society, for anybody who believes in the bible, is in control and direction of Satan as a trap for those waking up, it's a false truth/or false awakening.

    There has been soooo much spotty information everywhere. I had tons of it and scriptures. Tons of old articles and sources. But finally have enough from all sides to connect the dots and bring it to once easy message.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I don't think the GB is on anyone's radar as doers of good or bad. They are just as lost as anyone else with the misfortune of convincing 5 million people they talk to God. There's been many before them, and unfortunately, many more after them. Just another false prophet

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