JWs way behind Mormons in modern witnessing methods
by dozy 13 Replies latest jw friends
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How much longer do you think until the WT do a complete about face and setup a facebook page?
Jehovah's Witnesses, by contrast, another big missionary religion, boast seven million members but their site does not even have an associated Facebook page.
JWs will soon become a laughing stock amoung the young digitally savvy.
Can you imagine the WT putting publishers on live chats? They'd be eaten alive.
I just find it interesting that the WTBTS has hardly embraced new technology at all in marketing their message and are miles behind other groups , such as the Mormons.
They just seem stuck in the old rut of dishing out literature that hardly anybody ( including most JWs ) reads.
If both are cults how the heck can mormons use internet to recruit new members? Are they master illusionists?
Love H
I just had a look at the Mormon.org site, I couldn't find much to say against it, apart from the "History of Joseph Smith" being a sanitised version, as you would expect.
So, I went for the first time to the updated JW site, quite as slick as the Mormon one, no history of course, they do steer clear of that minefield don't they ?
Two dodgy claims on it though, the second is really a lie, if not it is really stretching the truth.
The first is that 19,000,000 attend their "Meetings or conventions", well that might be the claimed attendance for the 2012 Memorial, but that is just one Meeting in the year, and is the most attended one for weird reasons.
The second is that "When people become Jehovah's Witnesses they are baptised in the name of Jesus" ?????? Whaaaaaat ???, his name may be mentioned in the prayer, but certainly not in the vows, so this is a half-truth at best.
What a hard 180 degree turn they will have to do to start using Facebook ! having condemned it by name at several Conventions. I think it will stick in their craw to pay for any kind of advertising, so I don't expect to see a campaign like the LDS one anytime soon.
One day they will have to play catch-up, any Corporation needs to shift lots of its core product, and JW's are finding that increasingly difficult to do by simply knocking doors.
The successful money making part of the scam that is the WT, the Real Estate business, relies upon the selling of the "would you like to live in Paradise" dream to underpin it, they need to get their act together before it all crumbles.
Mormons came to my door a few weeks ago and left me with a business card with their official website address on it. I thought it was much more modern than the JW tracts and pamphlets.
Their website also seems more interesting than the JWs, having printable coloring pages and activites for children who go to their convention (or whatever they call it).
Although I don't agree with their beliefs, they seem more up to date in reaching others with their message.
Hi, Phizzy!
Thanks for your view! Seems that the mormons are up & coming on the internet!
Are they more intelectual honest than wts? Strange that the wts hides their history. Will be interesting to see how this turns out!
Love Healthworker