Thanks 4 sharing the letter with us!
Although BeDuhn have said many good things about the NWT, he has, at times, stated his objections to the NWT. In fact, when Dr. BeDun sent a letter praising the virtues fo the NWT and the KIT, he also mentioned some specific NWT renderings that could be improved. When the Society quoted BeDuhn, they skipped those unfavorable comments, but BeDuhn holds no grudge, and even mentioned that it is standard practice when quoting to cite the positive things said about a product, while skipping any mentioned negative statements. It appears that BeDuhn is kind and level-headed.
Christ Alone provided a link of scholars being misquoted by the WTS. Although some of the counter arguments provided by the website are true and informative, and should not be ignored, I find that it is lacking in subjectiveness, and does not always provide a true picture of the whole matter. Caution, then, is advised anyone longing to find a balanced view of critical issues in a tendentious site, just as we should do when judging WTS' beliefs. Thanks Christ Alone for the link! I agree the WTS does not always cite authorities truthfully.