Scientology's most famous adherent, Tom Cruise, is believed to be receiving special dispensation to see his daughter, Suri, six, after ex-wife Katie Holmes withdrew herself and their daughter from the membership. Normally members are forbidden from contacting ex-partners who leave the 60-year-old cult. Is this special treatment intended to prevent Cruise quitting Scientology? A Cruise friend is quoted as saying: ‘He’s finally seeing that being such an advocate for Scientology hasn’t served him as well as he’d hoped – he’s gone through three divorces, and his public perception has sunk to an all-time low.’
Tom Cruise awakening to Scientology, or will "special dispensation" keep him in?
by King Solomon 14 Replies latest social current
rip van winkle
They( Scientologists) have to play nice with Mr. Cruise as he is their #1 spokesperson and the most famous movie star in the world. is influence reaches far and wide. Money is honey!!!
Ooo, ooo! Steve Hassan should interview him!
hemp lover
I had no idea how crazy Scientology was until I read this article the other day. I think Tom Cruise is in it for life and perhaps a wee bit insane.
" In the fall of 2004, an accomplished, gorgeous Scientologist named Nazanin Boniadi was allegedly selected by officials in the organization to be Tom Cruise’s next girlfriend. Her never-before-told story—of the months inseparable from the star (and his watchers), before she fell out of favor—reveals a complex dynamic that also affected Cruise's relationships with Nicole Kidman, Penélope Cruz, and, now, Katie Holmes. Maureen Orth investigates."
Would someone make the link clickable, please?
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
It all depends on how quickly they can hook him up with a hot wife who wants to have his robots - er kids. They aimed too high with Katie Holmes and Nicole Kidman. This time it needs to be someone who's already a convert, while being young, attractive, and yet with much less ambition.
Poor guy, goodness knows what they are blackmailing him with.
rather be in hades
i didn't expect to feel sorry for the guy. then again we all came out of a cult so...
thank god WE didn't have to be secretly videotaped right??? :P
Just another cult. Thanks for sharing KS!
Las Malvinas - "This time it needs to be someone who's already a convert, while being young, attractive, and yet with much less ambition."
...not to mention a few less brain cells.
Slimboyfat - "... goodness knows what they are blackmailing him with."
Well, remember how he he's always freaked out when the tabloids have suggested he's gay?