One day I realized- The JWs and the KH is boring and full of lies- I wanted to live my own life- !! yee-hha!!
What Made You Question "The Truth"?
by minimus 53 Replies latest jw friends
Kool Jo
I always had my doubts...but went thru the motions of FS, meeting, baptism ect...then one day I decided to "google" a lead me to this site and another one....the rest is history...lurked for a couple months before creating an account.
Cobalt: cleanlinessis next to godliness! I love your light bulb story!
For me, reading John 13:35- that Jesus's followers would show love for each other. I looked around the Kingdom Hall, at the gossip, the grudges, the backstabbing, all the subtle meaness and pettiness, and I knew that it wasn't "the Truth".
I have never heard of anyone leaving for a hot girl. I think that would've worked for me as equally.
Mouthy, that was especially good to read!
Thanks Charikle...Glad I am of some sense now.
I remember when they changed the baptismal vows and I felt myself jump in my seat thinking "this isn't right" the Bible says baptise in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. What right do they have to change the vows.
Everything else crazy they used to come out with I chalked up to human imperfection, but this one I figured was really bad, If little ol" me caught this nonsense, they certainly should have.
Like Finally Awake, I had that assembly moment (several actually). Always felt extremely lonely in large gatherings of JWs
The slow dawning on me that the magazine articles discussing homosexuality were crap and betrayed not one iota of understanding of the issue - this led me to wonder what else might be crap.
The realisation that there were hundreds if not thousands of gay Jehovah's Witnesses who had been born-in, something the org has never really acknowledged and never offered any support for - a totally invisible group of people that they would like to pretend don't exist
Studying with a baptist for a couple of years, I realised that many of the "stock" scriptures to prove certain things (particularly around judicial matters - such as James 5:14 and 15) were misapplied when the context was taken into account. I realised from these study sessions that I was learning just as much if not more than the man I was supposed to be helping find "the truth"
Feeling so much happier when I stopped going to meetings, then when I returned, feeling miserable and out of place again
Reading Crisis of Conscience and finding none of it surprising
Finding this site and JW Facts...that's where I am now and the journey of questioning continues
I really had a hard time with a loving God destroying seven billion people eternally, with the uncanny similarities to the Puritans (which now I know is a result legalism), and every now and then the thought would go through my mind, "Are we going beyond the things that are written?" I'd concerns about denying evolution and insisting that the Flood was a global event. One time I accidentally come across something about Alycone on the Internet and had to will it out of my mind. I didn't see a command to go door-to-door, just a few examples were the apostles seemed to do it (which I now know they didn't), didn't see it as effective when they were better ways to spread the word, and really didn't like doing it--but I was told if I didn't I would incur bloodguilt if I didn't do it enough and do it right. Then there was my judicial committee and I realized that basic gospel lessons were completely ignored. All that was merely cognitive dissonance though--I filed it away and tried not to think about it.
It was 607 that opened my eyes. Specifically, researching the two-part Watchtower article on 607 to make sure things were so. I found they were not.