Our CO Visit was a Fund Raising Drive

by Red Piller 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Red Piller
    Red Piller

    So, we had our new CO (who actually seemed nice and somewhat personable in his own way.)

    He gave a talk titled something like "Do we sacrifice to Jehovah?"(can't remember the exact title.) I expected the usual "Go out in Service. Pioneer, etc....."

    He did touch on those subjects briefly. Very Briefly. However the majority of the talk was on real-estate and money:

    "We need young brothers who are handy to work on the Walkill project. You'll have so much fun, too!"

    "Can you volunteer to work on the RBC - to advance Kingdom interests?"

    "There was a country that didn't have the NWT translation in their language. And the brothers were so poor that the whole congregation had only 1 bible. It cost the equivalent of a year's salary. Of course the translation committee got to work. And at the District convention a member of the GB introduced the the NWT in their language. He mentioned that all would get a copy. Brothers were crying out of joy. Even the GB brother got choked up. Brothers never under estimate what our contributions can accomplish in less-developed countries."

    "At Family Worship (tm) night, some families have decided to donate a certain amount to the World Wide Work (tm)"

    This one was particulary distasteful:

    "The branch received a letter: ' Dear Brothers, I recently received an inheritance. Since my needs are small. And my wants even smaller. Please accept this amount [as a donation]"

    "Little [Jimmy] wrote a letter sating he saved up this money and wanted to help in buying a printing press"

    "Brothers, the cose of ink and paper continues to climb."

    And so it went on. And on. And on. The whole talk presented very little information, nothing of any "spiritual" content. Much more different and focused that what I remember from any previous visit.

    BTW, I got the idea for this thread from BroMac's comment on another thread. It was the same story in my cong:


    the new CO was round the other week. at the tues night meeting his first talk was nothing more than give us your money... the whole thing give give give. even mentioned how some kids decided in their family worship to give money from their savings towards the new print presses. hey why not Give of your time to the rbc? they have outlines from hq for the week.


  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    That does sound distastful

    Well then I'd just walk out the door and never go back Oh yea that's right I already did that.

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    The old guilt trip hasn't changed much. Even little (insert name here) has given his allowance blah, blah, blah. Why they need more $$$ for printing presses, ink and paper is beyond me, since they have cut the Watchtower and Awake sizes, and have them available on-line, with the Dubs paying their own paper and ink costs. Smoke screen? What they really need money for is probably to pay out on lawsuits, building new digs in upstate NY, etc. Money-grubbing cult! Leslie


    Typical. Our CO also goes around begging for $$ for the mighty WTS while he and his wife each tote around iPhones and iPads and drive a new car every 3 years, fully paid for. Gotta love the WTB&TS

  • MaybeSo

    We have our CO this week. We ll see if we get that same spill tonight.

  • DesirousOfChange

    It's the same spiel we got.

    $acrifice$ for Jehovah.


  • blondie

    Sounds like the faithful are not donating enough...that's what happens when it is fairly anonymous. I wonder what would happen if the WTS set up tithing like the Mormons do? No money, your children can't get baptized. No money, your children can't get married in the KH. No money, the jw can conduct your family member's funeral. No money, no privileges (oh, they have that already).

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    There's a letter to be read this month I believe focusing on donating. It's supposed to be read at the beginning of the Service Meeting. I wonder if the CO's words on donating were a prelude to reading this letter later. Possibly the CO added his own words for emphasis.

  • sir82

    I fully expect, some time in the next 5-10 years, a call for tithing. There will be a series of WT study articles on how "blessed" the Israelites were for doing it, and how we live in a spiritual paradise just like they did, and gosh, shouldn't we be willing to show the same sort of appreciation?

    At first it will be voluntary, but gradually it will become a requirement, at least if you want to have "privileges of service". I can even conceive of them demanding to see some sort of proof that you are doing it before appointment as MS, elder, pioneer, etc. "Being exemplary in all things" will be the rationale.

  • LostGeneration

    Wow. I knew they were hurting but all of this is going to piss people off. If there is one thing in the world that can actually break through mind control it might be money. Keep hitting up these mostly struggling-to make-a-living publishers and they are going to start looking at this religion with a critical eye.

    They must be battling several lawsuits of the Candace Conti nature, lets hope a few more juries kick them in the nuts!

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