I have some questions for any believing J.W :
1) Why did the NWT go against the express command of Jesus and add to the book of Revelation, by inserting the name"Jehovah" 11 times with no justification ?
2) Why do JW's not baptise as Jesus commanded "In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit" ?
3) How do you determine when "God's spirit directed organization" is being directed by Spirit and when by men ?
4) How do you justify the "Shunning" that goes on from scripture, not the DF arrangement specifically, the shunning ?
5) Why is the parable that includes the faithfull and discreet slave not just that, a parable, what other scripture backs up your concept ?
6) Why is the JW/WT past re-written, from changing what was in the printed magazines, to a very selective account of past history?
7) With the disgusting cover-ups and treatment of victims of abuse, should not the Holy Spirit have directed the W.T to handle these matters in a morally upright way ?
8) Why suddenly resign as a U.N N.G.O when publically exposed, if it was all innocent ?
9) What proof do you offer for the claim made Ad Nauseum that the WT is "God's channel of communication" ?
This is the important one I think :
10) Why does the W.T not take care of "Widows and Orphans" ?