Since I have recently received all of my cooking stuff out of storage from Indiana I decided I wanted to do something I haven't done in a long while: cook a big Thanksgiving feast and invite family and dear friends. The friends won't be a problem, it's the family that mostlikely won't show. I've asked my brother who lives fairly close and he said he didn't know because he and his wife would be coming home for a trip two days before. I asked my sister and she said she'll be in town and will let me know. No point in asking the parental units cuz I'm not in the mood for the "you know we don't celebrate thanksgiving, Christmas, mothers day, Hanukkah, etc and here's why" lecture. I'm not gonna let my family get me down. They'll miss out and my friends and immediate family will reap the benefit of my good home cooking. I'm getting pumped.
Turkey day, turkey day!