The Conscious Universe: Parts and Wholes in Physical Reality, Google books
by frankiespeakin 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
nuthouse escapee
Frankiespeakin, had a look at the link you provided and the chapter headings. It looks interesting. Could you possibly give a brief overview of the material discussed. thx - Leslie
It is about developements of quantum physics that prove the universe is "nonlocal" as apposed to clasical physics which goes under the assumption of a local universe (time and distance).
Since the Bell's theorem and Aspect/Gisin experiments furnish proof that there is instantanious communication between photons that origenate from the same source or were entangled. This faster than light communication was called by Einstien "spooky Action at a Distance" it bothered him greatly.
So in essense they are saying the universe/multiverse is just one thing or an indivisble whole, and so cannot be measured, which means space(distance) and time are an illusion of clasical physics.
And I think they make some points about known/knower and measurement problems pointing to a perhaps a conscious universe which they consede can not be proven but intuited.
nuthouse escapee
Thx Frankie, I went back to the link and started reading but alas they have taken some pages out( obviously so that one will buy the book) Thanks for the overview. Although I am not a well-educated individual I put my best effort into learning. This is a subject that interests me so hopefully I can pick up or order a copy from Indigo. Leslie
Bell's theorem:'s_theorem
Principle of locality:
Many worlds interpetation:
Well if time/space is an illusion ..... then there goes the argument against other sentient beings needing to traverse millions of light years to visit our planet. It sounds like time itself is an illusion. Maybe other beings have learned the trick, and have seen through the illusion?
Since the psyche and matter are contained in one and the same world, and moreover are in continuous contact with one another and ultimately rest on irrepresentable, transcendental factors, it is not only possible but fairly probable, even, that psyche and matter are two different aspects
of one and the same thing. The synchronicity phenomena point, it seems to me, in this direction, for they show that the nonpsychic can behave like the psychic, and vice versa, without there being any causal connection between them … Our present knowledge does not allow us to do much more than compare the relation of the psychic to the material world with two cones, whose apices, meeting in a point without extension – a real zero-point – touch and do not touch.
Good point. I think any other intelligent life forms that have the knowledge of how to travel the distance of light years, isn't intrested in contacting us or dumb enough to loose a space ship captured by the US government.
I would think they would have over come aggressive cavemen like instincts of greed and violence, so I wouldn't worry about any take over by aliens.
Wow I have never seen an ebook so expensive. Especially considering it was published 12 years ago. Must be pretty interesting, eh?