Bible trading cards
by aposta-Z 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
still thinking
ROFL...everyone will want those....
kinda cute. I wish I would have had these when I was a kid - something interesting to read at the meetings!
I hope they make a card for the shortest man in the bible. Bildad the Shuhite
So Bad that it is good.
The WTS has nothing on Christendom. I know; I've lived in the Canadian bible belt.
"Download this Bible character card and learn about Joseph. Cut out, fold in half, and save."
How does a piece of paper cut then folded in half become a card??? Kids will find this so lame.
Poor kids. I didn't have animation DVDs and bible cards and I turned up pretty messed up from the whole thing. I pity these little ones. -
Not a bad idea, really. But tried to do on the cheap -- they should just distribute the cards with gum or cigarettes or something.
still thinking
My son likes those veggie tales dvd's jgnat...he gets them sometimes when we go to the video shop...LOL
Oh, LOVE Veggie Tales, lol. My kids liked those too, and my sister... (weren't around for me).
The idiots: Fold?
Isn't this supposed to be a CARD?
How do you fold a CARD?
So idiots they are that they cannot create a 2 page pdf to print both sides...