Excellent comments everyone. I realy was surprised to get so many well informed comments!
But, I can see where this is going .....great comments and few policy stands. Maybe some feel the issue to be too controversial or is just too private to state a policy stand publically. I can understand that. I appreciate the ones that felt comfortable enough to take one though.
What I can't understand is how we were taught that if we just do nothing, think nothing, and question nothing everything will be all right. Jehovah will simply take care of you. We have all seen sometimes tragically how we were "taken care of". That attitude has no place in a democracy.
So, I'll put my money where my mouth is and fess up to a poilcy I would support. I would probally choose stand (C). Here's why.
First of all this is a democracy. Something that you won't hear on TV is that democracy demands that their be winners AND losers. What! Losers in a democracy? Yes, that is the nasty underbelly of democracy. The best we can do is try to make the winners more sensitive and responsible to the losers and cap the winners somewhat, and then try to lessen the harsher effects to the losers. But the stark truth is everybody cannot win. Anybody who tells you different is selling something.
I would say that every possible individual right of the gay person should be protected, civil rights, job discrimination of any kind(even in schools), military status, health care, etc. But because homosexuality most likely can be socialized in many cases, society should fall short of equal staus in the case of gay marriages, because it sends the message that it is an equal ideal in society to that of hetereo marriage.
The reason is that the majority of parents would like their children to grow up into hetero relationships, believing that to be the ideal for thier children and for society. However, if a child turns out to be gay, you can bet the most conservative parent will start to bear their teeth if their baby is discriminated against.
If we truly believe in democracy, the the bar must be very high in order to overturn the will of the majority. The alternative?; outright socialism or cultural marxism.
Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America