hey larc,
Been a while - but I was under the strong impression that there was a lot of conflict growing up, which can go along with love. Her mother was perfect jw sister. Her father not in org. Lots of competition between mother/daughter - particularily when bethelites would come over to visit. Mother stole the show, the perfect hostess, flirting, the whole thing. Her mother and she treated her father shabbily, even in her own estimation. Her mother didn't work, but would invite the bethelites over on a regular basis for dinner, being a charming hostess with the food that her worldly husband provided. Then she put her husband down for being "worldly." Rather small minded, imho.
Perhaps being a mother & daughter, I read too much into it, but I don't think so. She did marry, had a daughter, didn't she? Had been out of the wts for years when the elders came knocking at her door. She had dated one of them years before, wasn't he a CO? Anyway, it was quite odd & cold. I'm going from memory here, so don't ask for quotes.
The mother/daughter was a sideline of the book, imo. I liked it because it was from a woman's viewpoint. I don't believe she wrote it pretending to be a historian, just one who's lived it. As for looseness? Damn, wish I'd done it!
ps - I'll ask my son to get it from the university library - great library. Thanks for the lead.