Recovery - Why so much intellectual dishonesty?

by tootired2care 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tootired2care

    Recovery likes to point out little nit-picky technical with the website. Recovery to me is aptly described in Jesus illustration as the one who strains the gnat but gulps the camel.

    Why can't he acknowledge any of the responses and evidence presented to his questions in the threads that he's created? Furthermore why doesn't Recovery use the same critical standard on the organization that has claimed to be selected by Christ and is spirit directed? It should be quite obvious to Recovery that the wts is a much bigger problem with all of its contridictions under spirit direction, than jwfacts does who is not spirit directed. So why doesn't Recovery apply the same critical lens to the wts?

  • Recovery

    The Watchtower does not call itself 'Bible facts'. In fact on numerous occassions it has advised readers that everything contained within should not be regarded as fact. On two occassions I have presented arguments that he has not been able to overcome (at least not without the assistance of someone like Leolaia), and he will never admit he is in error. He will never admit he contradicts himself and is simply concerned with his Google ranking and how many hits his website is getting.

    Time Is At Hand, 1916 edition, opening forward

    ""Our mistake was evidently not in respect to the ending of the Times of the Gentiles; we drew a FALSE conclusion, however, not authorized by the Word of the Lord."

    9-1-83 wt
    "Although the Bible Students had elders and deacons (ministerial servants), FALSE religious ideas still prevailed in some respects. Thus right into the 20th century elders were chosen by the congregations through a democratic voting process, indicated by a show of hands."

    1870s: We do not object to changing our opinions on any subject, or discarding former applications of prophecy, or any other scripture, when we see a good reason for the change, — in fact, it is important that we should be willing to unlearn errors and mere traditions, as to learn truth.... It is our duty to "prove all things." — by the unerring Word, — "and hold fast to that which is good."

    We do not even aver that there is no mistake in our interpretation of prophecy and our calculations of chronology. Zion's Watch Tower, 1908

    Will we ever see such honesty from jwfacts? I doubt it.

  • MrFreeze

    Yes everything contained in it should not be regarded as facts, but if you disagree with their falsehoods, they'll kick you out of their little cult.

    Why is it so wrong to disagree with certain teachings the WT spews out when even they admit they are wrong so often?

    The WT has made false prophecies. They are false prophets.

    jwfacts never claims to speak for God, unlike the WT. Let me ask you something Recovery, did any of the Bible writers ever write down something erroneous?

  • cofty

    We do not even aver that there is no mistake in our interpretation of prophecy and our calculations of chronology. - Zion's Watch Tower, 1908

    You like to quote this phrase from Russell from 1908 before he gave in to the adulation and became an ego-maniac but don't pretend it still applies today. Why don't you go to your local elders at tell them that 607 and 1914 is based on error and see if they are so relaxed about it.
  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Recovery, you quoted C.T. Russell and a quote from the WT ABOUT C.T Russell. Where can you find in recent times where the WT has said that what it says should not be considered as facts?!?

  • Recovery

    I can find recent WT quotes that echo similar sentiments if you'd like. But I would tootiredtocare to show me how I have been intellectually dishonest.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    well, there's the dishonesty in saying you'd address the question as to why jehovah's spirit directed organization is appointing active child molestors to the body of elders...that's for starters

  • jgnat

    Well, for starters.

    Promising to get back to the issues raised in the bible contradictions thread.

    Claiming to have permission to post a PM when you didn't.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    JWFacts is a private forum. It does not represent the entire JW dissent community. In my profession or with my present church, I take much more care than at this website. They are only website. In contrast, is a supposely professional site. My assumption is that contributors work full time at Bethel. I have read random posting from JWs, particular on the Conti case, and was sickened, absolutely sickened, by the general belief that she was a slut whore with no privacy rights as a young child. The actual court documents seem to show no dispute.

    Recovery just writes WT style. He should not be here as far as the Witnesses are concerned.

    He does not live with reality. His comments about academia, how dare we quote academics who spend years honing their craft, publishing their work, and defending it with the academic world, were so WT. Academics are not neutral (I don't believe they are completely neutral). Education is a bad thing. Advanced study is gross. Be an idiot like me is what Recovery asks of us. Furthermore, no matter what anyone here posts, he does not respond to with his own brain. It is all WT junk.

    Stupid-Recovery is not. He knows he is pushing buttons. I doubt he expects to convert anyone. NO, this is theocratic warfare, which involes lying.

    Last night I told the Obama campaign that I once was a Witness and knocked on doors as a preschooler. These people never met me before. Gails of laughter and belly laughs exploded. This is what people think of the Witnesses. They laughed so hard that later, the woman apologized to me.

  • Recovery

    None of the argunents I used in my discussions with jwfacts were from the WT publications.


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