Any thoughts on the rammifications of this?
Now that they finally admitted that the Faithful & Dicsreet Slave is ONLY the Governing Body what now?
by baltar447 45 Replies latest jw friends
Mickey mouse
I'd like to see this confirmed by a few more sources but if true it's predictable and purely an attempt to solidify their position and power.
What article? I must see this and print it please.
The various Wt. leaders have always envied the Apostles and wanted to be their equals.
Christ Alone
This sounds like an unfounded rumor to me. I've never seen this in print.
No really. Rutherford didn't like how Paul lived, he wanted to live as a king right then and there, and made sure he did with his mansion, nice cars, and all the alcohol he could drink. He thought Paul was insane for living poor and not taking the congregations money.
Mickey mouse
It is being reported that this was announced at the AGM.
This was just announced at the annual meeting.
Considering the GB don't write articles, how can they say that the FDS is providing food at the proper time with WT articles?
Christ Alone
Whoa...sorry for speaking too soon. Can't wait for that to be in print. That's actually some HUGE new light. Although the GB has always claimed to represent the Faithful and Discreet Slave, they've never said that the other anointeds were NOT the FDS. Implications? I don't see much except that many that were anointed and felt that they had an equal say over "spiritual food" will no longer be given that consideration by other rank and files. I guess the implications aren't that great. At least that I can see. But it sure does strengthen the CULT argument.
I'd like to hear what Recovery thinks about this. I assume he'll probably say "I won't believe it til I see it." But I'm sure that once the article is written, Recovery will fight just as hard to preach that this new view is correct as he was when it was "old light". Typical.
I find it interesting that they officially don't believe in Apostolic succession (see the reasoning book), yet when trying to garner support and proof of the GB, they turn to Acts 15 where the apostles met together to show that they too are doing the same thing. Sounds like a distinction without a differenece to me.