2012 annual meeting notes

by lostinthought 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • cofty

    It seems the only thing on the mind of the GB these days is the authority of the GB.

    Their arrogance is so transparent. I wonder what other "anointed" ones will think about their demotion.

  • Nostromo

    So did anybody record these talks?

  • Vidiot
    cofty - "It seems the only thing on the mind of the GB these days is the authority of the GB."

    Well, without that authority, what are they? (rhetorical question)

  • Desilusionnee

    Thx for sharing lostinthought!

  • 00DAD

    Ironically, in today's WT JWs are encouraged to study the early history of the "earthly organization".

    Like them [the sons of Korah], do you have a desire to study and recount the history of the earthly part of Jehovah’s organization? The more you learn about God’s organization and how Jehovah supports his people, the more real God’s Kingdom will be to you. -- w2012 8/15, p. 12, para. 5 - [Emphasis added]

    Imagine if all the JWs really did that! It would cause a shitstorm of trouble for the GB.

    They know that most won't bother, and of the few that do, the majority of them will only study the WTBTS's sanitized versions of their history. The remaining ones that actually learn the factual truth about the early history of the organization will all become apostates.

    Interesting gambit in the propaganda techniques of the GB, oh, excuse me, "From the Faithful and Discreet Slave!"


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Credit goes to OODAD for this gem of a find:

    ‘True, but as you well know, the myth taught to the R&F for many decades has been that the collective body of anointed worldwide are the "Faithful and Discreet Slave." As recently as only five years ago they were still teaching that:

    "... all of the anointed ones living on earth at any given time constitute 'the faithful and discreet slave' that Jesus said would provide timely 'food' for his domestics."’ w07 11/1 p. 30 par. 12

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    As recently as 6/15/09 the WT had in print that all remnant anointed were part of the FDS:

    Do all anointed Christians on earth share in providing spiritual food?

    No. All who are anointed with God’s spirit are part of the faithful and discreet slave class, but those making up the Governing Body oversee the spiritual feeding.—6/15/09 pages 22-24

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    i got the willies reading that. i can't believe i used to read that stuff

  • kepler


    Thanks for that terrific survey. It looks like a lot of work.

    In bringing up the issue "faithful and wise servant" vs. "faithful and discreet", I was acting on my notion that this another of the many tortured translations of the NWT. Tortured like "torture stake", "Today, I say to you..." etc.

    I am sure there was a reason it was introduced, just like the two other examples above. Maybe it had something to do with the Olin Moyle issue - but I have been able to follow the case or connections on that in detail. Perhaps somebody else has. But for myself, I see no reason to latch on to the "faithful and wise/discreet servant" as anything more than what it was at face value: a parable.

    Saying that, it did occur to me to look back at one of my favorite sources on the thoughts of Joseph Rutherford, the 1934 Yearbook. I did a search through my PDF for the word "discreet". Nada.

    Now how about faithful?

    The yearbook had a lengthy review of geographical "mission work" ( Germany for instance), but the remainder was a succession of daily meditations for the 365 days of the 1934 year. Each started with a Bible passage and then a paragraph from the Watchtower from the preceding year prior to publication. In these paragraphs, beside repeated raps about Armageddon, the word faithful might be used several times.

    Occasionally it was used with "faithful and WISE servant".

    I am attaching examples from the first six months of the year. Please excuse some of the optical character reading failures.

    Perhaps new light will shed more light on the society's first "Faithful and discreet slave". I'm sure it will help make the new doctrine more clear...

    February 11 (119)

    They that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare.

    --1 Tim. 6: 9.

    During the Elijah period there was a class that

    stressed the importance of "character development",

    deeming that to be great gain and therefore godliness,

    because it would insure the developer a place in heaven.

    Another class, meek and humble, desired only to

    please the Lord, and while these looked forward also

    to a place in heaven, and that properly, their chief

    and great desire was to serve Jehovah and Christ Jesus.

    At Christ’s coming to the temple for judgment

    the two classes began to be made manifest, to wit, the

    class moved by selfishness and which class quickly

    developed into the "evil servant" class; and the other

    class, moved by unselfish devotion to God and his kingdom

    and which class Jesus formed into the "faithful

    and wise servant". To this faithful class the Lord

    committed his testimony on earth, and he invites them

    to enter into his joy. W 12/15/33

    February 14 (209)

    Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the

    host, and by him the dady sacrifice was taken away, and

    the place of his sanctuary was cast down ---Dan. 8: 11.

    This prophecy refers to something that is based

    upon the ransom sacrifice, growing out of it and in

    addition thereto, to wit, the dally, continual presentation

    of the bodies of God’s faithful servant class,

    publicly giving testimony to the name of Jehovah God

    and his kingdom. Mark that the British-American

    empire system, which is "Christendom", in which

    both Catholics and Protestants operate together, did

    take away the daily presentation of the testimony of

    Jehovah and his kingdom, and did thus cast down the

    sanctuary class to the ground; and this was done in

    the year 1918. Jehovah’s servants are not to cease

    voluntarily their testimony, but must continually present

    it. "My praise shall be continually of thee."

    --t’s. 71: 6. W 7/1/33


    February 27 (148)

    For, lo, thine enemies . . . have said, Come, and let

    us cut them of/from being a nation; that the name of

    Israel may be no more in remembrance.--Ps. 83: 2, 4.

    Now the facts show beyond all question of doubt

    that the papal religious system, the Protestant religious

    system, the "evil servant" or "man of sin"

    class, and all other institutions of Satan’s commercial

    organization are in a conspiracy against Jehovah’s

    faithful servant class . Satan knows that the faithful

    servant class are God’s representatives and prospective

    members of Jehovah’s new nation. Therefore Satan

    seeks to prevent such from becoming a nation.

    This is another evidence that Jehovah’s witnesses have

    God’s approval and that all religions, religious workers

    and other agencies that oppose the work of giving testimony

    to God’s kingdom are a commercial organization,

    carried forward under Satan’s deceptive influence

    and direction to defame Jehovah’s name ’s name and

    turn man away from ttlm. W 12/15/33

    March 28 (312)

    Rejoice in the Lord, ye righteous; and give thanks to

    the memorial of his holiness.--Ps. 97: 12, margin.

    The kingdom and the King having come, together

    with the time of his joy, the memorial cup now symbolizes

    not merely a potion of suffering unto death,

    but also the potion of joy, gladness and cheer into

    which the King who once shed his blood has now entered

    and into which he invites his good and faithful

    servants on earth to enter. The bread loaf symbolizes

    not only Jesus’ body once broken, but also the oneness

    now existing between all who are "partakers [members]

    of that one bread [loaf] " and the oneness of all

    the body members of Christ with their Head now present

    at the temple. What strength of heart this unity

    imparts to all who eat worthily at the memorial! It

    is indeed now the day of deliverance, the deliverance

    which comes together with the everlasting vindi cation

    of the memomal name, JEHOVAH. W 3/15/33

    April 17 (92)

    IMkeurise a~so these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise

    dominion, an~ speak ew7 of dignities.---Jude 8,

    No man properly takes honor or dlgmty to himself.

    Jehovah has declared his purpose to give his specific

    honor or dignity to his "servant". Nor does it appear

    from Scripture that Jehovah gives honor to individuals

    aside from his beloved Son. While Jude used the

    word "dignities" in connection with creatures, yet

    manifestly the reference is to the office filled by creatures,

    and not to the creatures themselves as such. The

    "faithful and wise servant " class on earth is counted

    a part of Jehovah’s ’elect servant’. It is that "servant"

    to whom Jehovah gives honor and glory and who

    therefore as such "servant" is a dignity. Evil speech

    against Jehovah’s "servant" is therefore speaking

    against God, because against God’s honored one. The

    "evil servant" class hesitates not to speak against

    God’s "faithful servant" class on earth. W 2/15/33

    May 25 (98)

    Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me

    with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield; but

    I come to thee in the name of the Lord.--1 Sam. 17: 45.

    Prior to the Lord’s coming to the temple the consecrated

    were merely units, known only to Jehovah

    and Christ Jesus. With his coming, and the gathering

    together of the saints, the faithful are made one unit.

    The reason for this gathering appears to be this: (1)

    That Jehovah would bring his own into unity so that

    they could be dealt with as one; (2) that he would

    have a people for his name who must be his witnesses;

    and (3) that he would make manifest his "faithful

    servant " class to earth’s rulers and by so doing demonstrate

    his power to produce a people on earth that

    would be faithful to him under severe tests and thus

    maintain their integrity. Thin people, the remnant,

    must be his champions in the day of battle and hence

    the true David class on earth that is openly opposed

    to the monster "man of sin". W 2/15/33

    June 28 (193)

    And when they had received it [the penny], they tour.

    m~red against the goodman of the house. Matt. 20:11.

    Th6 Watchtower of August 15 and September 1,

    1932, made clear that elective offices of elders and

    deacons are not authorized by the Scriptures; that,

    the time having come for all to be one in Christ (and

    which was pictured by the twenty-four elders), there

    is now no distinction among the members of the

    "faithful and wise servant " class. (Rev. 4: 4) All

    who are in the temple, and hence at unity in Christ,

    are elders in fact, and are not made elders by votes of

    other creatures. Their maturity in Christ has brought

    them to that condition. These truths being brought

    to light, there came forward a class of men and their

    followers who considered that they were receiving

    less wages than their service deserved. The new name,

    Jehovah’s witnesses, put all on a common level. The

    selfish ones wanted special recognition. Not receiving

    it, they began to murmur and complain. W 12/1/33

  • stillajwexelder

    You just can not make this shit up

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