Intro/fellow abuse survivor
by jwabusesurvivor 26 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Welcome. I am saddened to hear of your turmoil. I hope you are doing all that you can in getting help from authorities and professionals. You are not alone. Stay strong and lean on others for support and guidance that have experience the same. So glad you find comfort here and look forward to learning more about you.
Welcome! We are all rooting for you! ;)
Welcome to you, our new friend!
Sorry to hear that you have had an awful experience. I am certain that here you will find plenty of kindness and understanding.
Stay strong, fight on.
Welcome, good to hear you are a fighter
press on press on oh ship of state thy dawn has come the sun not late.... longfellow
wow horrible to hear that. welcome here though!
Hello! Glad you've found this great group of people! Abuse that happens within a religious context has an extra layer of damage that goes with it. Although we are no substitute for skilled professional counseling, many of us here are expert when it comes to dealing with the after-effects of being Witnesses. I hope you'll find that any sense of isolation you may feel is eased through the many supportive voices you'll encounter here. Welcome!
Hello there. Hope you stay reading what's on this site - no one can say for sure what will or will not help you to heal, yet being around others who understand can be one of the best ways to move forward.
JWabusesurvivor, My heart goes out to you. Please feel free to PM me for any further assistance.