Conspiracy theory???

by Rip76 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rip76

    If you believe in the New World Order, and that type of stuff. Do you believe the JW's were started or operate for some type of New World Order experiment. ie: Jim Jones, Heaven's Gate. Which I think were govt. experiments...

    I could be just reaching.

  • Amazing

    Conspiracy theories have been around a long time. The big one called the "Illuminati" are supposed to have world domination plans ... and they have been around for centuries. My family (relatives) are listed by the anti-Illuminati conspiracy theorists ... but hey, I don't have any money or power ... where is my cut in the deal?

    Thre are really few conspiracy therories that have any merit ... and the ones that do are short term conspiracies for a limited purpose. Among these, I believe that Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill President Kennedy. Too much dirt went on that came to light exposing it as a conspiracy.

    I believe that O.J. Simpson was likely framed ... given what was documented and reported by Robert Wirth, and given that the defnese proved that evidence was planted. At least I could not have honestly convicted without reasonable doubt. I think white-supremisists did it and pinned it on O. J. I could be wrong.

    That's about it ... as far as my acceptance of conspiracies.

    The whole "New World Order" think is a joke, as is the Council on Foreign Relations, Tri-Lateral Commission, Illuminatti, Bermuda Triangle, Devils Tower, etc. ...

  • Satanus

    Anyone read 'the tragedy and the hope' by carrol quigly?? Ok, i havn't, but i probably will.


  • Carmel

    You might define your terms as not all of us think of the "New World Order" in the same light. Personally...I think it is a reality and is has been developing for over a hundred years. New thinking, new science, new religion, new political alignments, new global endeavors, new dangers on greater scale, new options and solutions, new elan, new economic arrangements, new methods of education, ad infinitum including the chaos that comes with transitions from one global paradigm to another.


  • Okidok

    .Conspiracy theories are a matter of what you want to believe. It’s difficult to verify. But if there is 5 % truth in a cons, theory, its time to wonder what h,,, is going on in this world
    The Governments around the world is very well informed on what’s up. A little cover up story and everyone is so agreeable. And then they go back to work and turn their noses the big God, the science

    "Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue.."
    Winston Churchill.

  • SYN

    NOPE. The guys at the top lack the neural density to orchestrate anything even remotely resembling that.

    Don't glorify their simple high-control cult into a conspiracy - that is an insult to conspiracies!

    "...the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing" - The Golden Age
    [SYN], UADA
    - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa.

  • Abaddon

    The only realistic options are this;

    1/ All conspiracy theories characterised by lack of evidence are just whack-jobs with too much time on their hand and a keyboard. Those characterised by reasonable evidence are true a reasonable amount of the time, as it would be silly to assume that governments are up-front about everything, and there's more than enough evidence to support this accusation.

    2/ The reason most conspiracy theories sound like they are made-up by whack jobs is that they are mad up by specially employed whack-jobs who are actually working for the NWO or whatever, to discredit any conspiracy theories by association, so people don;t discover the deep dark conspiracy that the world is run by.

    I have to go now. My latex mask is itching and I want some fresh rat babies for tea.

  • Elsewhere


    I seem to remember during the trial that a preservative chemical was found in at least one blood sample from the crime scene. This implies that the blood was extracted from OJ into a blood-sample test tube (with preservatives) and then put at the crime scene. Do you recall any details about this?

    There was also a "mystery envelope" that the judge had for awhile, but I didn't follow the trial enough to find out what was in it.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • freeman

    Conspiracy theory...I’ll tell you what a coworker once said to me some years ago when I worked as a NASA contractor. He said; “I can tell you first hand we never went to the moon. My proof? Well, I have no direct evidence, but I’m sure it was all faked nonetheless. I have had to deal with some very stupid people high up in the chain of command at NASA, the very same people that ran the moon mission. So I just know it had to be faked, maybe done on a Hollywood sound stage, but there is no way these morons could put a man on the moon, no way”!

    Sometimes I think maybe he was right :-)


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Freeman, your correct. A personal acquaintance of mine belonged to secret society but kept it under wraps. He in turn was a personal friend of the Bush family. The Bush's belong to the 'Skull and Bones' society.

    The above friend was a camera man in Hollywood and he worked in the forties and fifties era. He was employed by Warner Bros. Hollywood lots were closed to the public while they were filming the moon landing.

    When one of the astronauts who supposedly returned from the moon was asked by a reporter what direction/position the Sun was, he couldn't answer the question. They quickly turned the camera off him.

    Yes, there is a conspiracy and Satan is the originator of it. It's on your American One Dollar bill. The pyramid on the back of the one dollar bill came into existence in 1933. That year marked the year when the illuminati controlled the world. If you follow the money it will lead you to some interesting personalities. Check to see how many of the 56 signers of the Constitution were Freemasons.

    The conspirators are good, in fact, they are so good that they do everything in the open. The very fact that people do not believe in conspiracy theories reveals how good they are. They are sitting right in front of our noses.

    Guest 77

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