Conspiracy theories have been around a long time. The big one called the "Illuminati" are supposed to have world domination plans ... and they have been around for centuries. My family (relatives) are listed by the anti-Illuminati conspiracy theorists ... but hey, I don't have any money or power ... where is my cut in the deal?
Thre are really few conspiracy therories that have any merit ... and the ones that do are short term conspiracies for a limited purpose. Among these, I believe that Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill President Kennedy. Too much dirt went on that came to light exposing it as a conspiracy.
I believe that O.J. Simpson was likely framed ... given what was documented and reported by Robert Wirth, and given that the defnese proved that evidence was planted. At least I could not have honestly convicted without reasonable doubt. I think white-supremisists did it and pinned it on O. J. I could be wrong.
That's about it ... as far as my acceptance of conspiracies.
The whole "New World Order" think is a joke, as is the Council on Foreign Relations, Tri-Lateral Commission, Illuminatti, Bermuda Triangle, Devils Tower, etc. ...