So far the only decoration we've done for Halloween is a dummy. My husband took an old pair of jeans and work shirt and stuffed them with leaves. The ends of the sleeves go into a pair of work gloves, and the pant legs go into an old pair of work boots. The head is a basketball wrapped in black electrical tape, and the face is drawn with white auto body touch up paint. He's perched on a lawn chair at the front of our house. For some reason kids find it fascinating and are usually more interested in it than candy.
This year we're also going to cut different shaped eyes into toilet paper rolls and insert glow sticks to put in the bush and trees in our yard. I found the idea on Facebook, and it really looks creepy! We usually have about 500 kids for trick or treat, because the Kiwanis Club has a cake walk afterwards. We may not have as many this year, because it is going to be held on a different day.