These experiences can be explained and induced. There was a big UK and Australia study on such events. It was a serious trial and it found no evidence of any real occurence, though people 'experienced' such an event. They hid items on top of equipment and lights and cupboards etc and when people cliamed to leave the body , they would ask if they saw any of the items. They did not.
The human mind is more than capable of imagining what it would look like to observe down from above in a hospital envirmoment. Lucid dreams are VERY realistic, having experienced a few due to medication following a car accident. Add to that being able to hear the medical equipment and staff, the mind can fill in the gaps and provide an expeience one could intepret several ways.
As for this being a neuro surgeon. One of my acquaintances at medical school wants to be a neuro surgeon or cardiac surgeon. He believes Adam was 600 ft tall and he thinks that dinosaurs are all a huge fraud. He called Jurrasic Park "science fiction" (not the 'dino DNA' element, the 'there was once dinosaurs' idea) and said that there are no real dinosaur remains. He gets one of the highest marks in class and by chance happens to be a Muslim.
Critical appraisal has never been so important now that info is so easily available.