Prologos - Sigh very sexist polished nails reference
- Nobody is supposed to "running the show" The spiritual
state Jesus spoke of was " there is neither male nor female, you are all one
in the Christ" this transcends gender, place or time. Jesus said things like;
" I am in you, you are in me, we are one" Its about oneness in spirit, "one
hope, one faith" It was inclusive open to all mankind, the very opposite
of what the WT tells you, and you so willingly believe.
You are not "special" there is no "place to go" it is a spiritual awakening
, a spiritual connection that has nothing to do with organizations,
or assemblies, or magazines , or meetings or who is your leader,
"for one is your leader the Christ" 1Tim:2:15
One on one, between you and the only mediator, because
that is what Jesus said, himself. The question " to whom shall we go away to"
was about a PERSON not and organization. That person they refered to was,
Jesus Christ. And since this is supposed to be a bunch of Elders having
a discussion over fine Biblical points, how is it they only care about the "visible"
the "organization" the men at the top ? Who was the "visible organization"
from the death of Jesus up to, when Charles Taze Russell declared himself
to be the sole channel of communication ? You don't know ?
I thought all JW's say "there has always been an organization"
So who was it in 1434 ? or 1264 or 1565, or 1667, or 1776, or 1812 ?
Gregorian calendar ? The premise of the WT is to establish its own power
never the power of Christ or the message he preached.