In the course of my encounter I let them know how I felt about their shunning policy and how it destroys families, and referenced oompa. The lady said there would be more suicides if they didn't disfellowship people! Huh? The people who leave bring family discord upon themselves by choosing to no longer associate with their families. She brought up the pedophile issue in the RC church and I asked if she knew who Candace Conti was. It was obvious she did by her stunned silence and the look on her face, but she said no, so I educated her and her companion, her 12 year old grandaughter. I also tossed out Barbara Anderson's name and who she was.
Granny wouldn't commit to the fact that they believed the world was 6000 years old until I verbally cornered her, and then I asked why she didn't just admit that to begin with. Then it also came out in our discussion that the Bible is also their "science" book. I asked the grandaughter if she used it as her science book and she said yes (she is home schooled). I brought up other issues like the blood policy and changing doctrine and I got the usual response. Yes, even "transfusions" are mentioned in the Bible because the word "consume" covers that. I argued the point to no avail.
This was a return visit to drop off more literature at my sister's house. My 81 year old brother-in-law accepted an Awake several weeks ago because "they were so nice, and didn't try to force anything onto him." They are on a trip right now and I was checking up on things when they came, and it looked like they were expecting another easy placement. The presentation was from the grandaughter, and it was clear to me that they thought this would be an ideal time for her to do some easy field service. I got the grandaughter to admit that they "ratted out" people who said or did something that wasn't approved of - I actually used that phrase. I made it clear that if granny was going to take her out in field service I wouldn't just smile and take the literature because a child was present, but let them know what I really thought based on my own research. It was a sobering experience for the girl and granny was consoling her as they left. I felt a little bad about that, but I don't think children should be used that way. I know the indoctrination is deep and granny no doubt "set her straight", but the girl won't be feeling so good about going into fs next time.