cantleave, I found that true with the 1995 generation change, it went over most people's heads and even now many don't see the change. The only one I saw that affected a lot of people was 1975 coming and nothing happening, the end did not come. But eventually they left and new people came who had not idea what was about.
Do You Think All This New Light Will Rattle Any Of The Witnesses?
by minimus 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The truth is, most could never explain what the FDS was and how it worked. When we would go over questions for baptism, the average prospect could not explain the FDS doctrine. Now it will be much easier!
The jws, I have talked to about the new generation explanation, even older ones, did not care. They would follow the GB no matter what they said. Really sad how they can't reason on these teachings from the GB.
Even if they didn't agree with the change, 'Where else could they go?'
Captivity is not dependent upon doctrine. It's an issue of authority. The leadership has it all, the individual has none.
Folks we are giving way too much credit to the current rank and file members of the brotherhood
Perhaps a few that actually pay attention to what is said in the meeting will take a step back and think of what this means, but from what i have seen, most of the "brothers" ( and especially the younger strata of the organization) couldnt' care less about trying to understand what anything means. They simply just sit in the meetings like drones counting the minutes to the end, so they can go back to watching TV or go out to dinner.
I had a chance to speak to my nephew (born in) a few weeks ago, and he had absolutely no idea what anything means ( no idea how you arrive to 1914, no idea that Jesus is the mediator for FDS, no idea what the current generation understanding is, no idea that you can take blood fraction, etc etc etc).
Yet, he goes out preaching.... The issue is that preaching these days amounts to something like " Hi, isn't the world bad? Please take this magazine and if it's ok i can come back next week to give you another one" .
It's quite evident that the bright JWs are slowly leaving the Org while behind, slowly remain the too old and too humble to question, too uneducated to reason or too young to care, and to be honest our society has plenty of these types, so the Watchtower should be ok for years to come.
St George of England
No, they won't bat an eyelid.
The reason is the majority of them do not know what they are supposed to believe now.
I just talked to my mom again and she said, it didn't make any difference. She wasn't leaving "The Truth".
No. It is a pure cult following. As St. George says above, most JW's don't know what they believe now. I have always maintained that, in my observation, the less informed, 'weak' JW's were the most difficult to budge. pity the child that needs blood fractions who's parents haven't been to a meeting in two years.
It'll shave off a few more, just like the "generation" adjustments of 1995 and 2010, Sparlock, the deafsterbation video, reinforcement of the "2 witness" rule...
For a long time now, I've suspected that all of these things are to steadily and deliberately cull the herd of any "lukewarms".
minimus - "They would rather have a strong small core of believers than a lot of wishy-washy ones."
They'd still be able to maintain whatever lifestyle they have with that small strong core if/when they lost the majority to the passage of time, and they'd simply remind the remaining devout R&F of the "love of the greater number cooling off" prediction.
Putting their collective foot down regarding the 2-witness rule serves another purpose, too; they'll easily be able to convince the remaining devout R&F (who can't bear to acknowledge that the pedo problem is as big as it is, 'cause it's too horrible) that it's really persecution from Satan's world for standing firm for a "Biblical" requirement.
It's frustrating for those who want the WTS to crash and burn, but I think we'll have to settle for slow extinction.
JW'S are waking up all the time. But it usually is not over such doctrinal changes. Still, someone will leave over this last straw. I think that if they tinker with the 144,000 enough, some will be "stumbled" over it.
Most will just pretend or truly believe it's wonderful new light from "You-know-who."