RBIHades: "say what now? pants?"
Moses never wore pants. Jesus never wore pants. None of the first century Christians wore pants. It wasn't until after the apostasy that trousers became fashionable.
And they were a fashion from Satan's system. Before the time of Christ, pants had already been worn by Persian cavalry. So Jesus would have known of their existence. Yet he never, ever, ever, never wore trousers. Pants as we know them today, came from the Celts. PAGANS! THE LOT OF THEM!
True Christians should dress like Christ... in modest dresses.
Pants are an evil tool of the Devil. They have an ancient history in paganism. And frankly, pants are just the Devil's way to rub your crotch!
In conclusion, I'd just like to remind everyone to mark your calendars, because Pantsmas is coming!