The chances of EOM revisiting this thread and admitting s/he was wrong? pretty slim
A big shift in the world is about to happen......
by EndofMysteries 239 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Witness 007
I should start my own half ass, vague, wishy washy, bullcrap prophecy for 2014.....
I'm just thankful for this re-post; otherwise I would have been responding to the narcissist's opines.
well, they discovered an account of noah's ark written what? centuries before moses?
i'm sure that changed some views of god...
I can't imagine it being anymore embarrassing than being in the same business the governing body is in of false prophecy, and getting called out on it a year later.
Ah well. This forum is stacked full of old threads like this- its a natural consequence of what we were taught that many of us continue to believe there will be an 'end' or a revelation of some sort in our lifetime. Its a complete mindfreak to think of the universe continuing on for billions of years, and the only significant thing that will happen to us is what we ourselves accomplish in our own lifetime... but there it is.
Sorry, just had to keep my promise from back in 2012 that I would bump it in the future so we could get an update on the big shift :)
BTW - I will try to do the same for any similar threads in the future from other people so we can get updates on theirs as well. One of these days we will find out who the true prophet is ;)
This Will Change Everything -
A rose kook by any other name . . .
Witness My Fury
I had a big shift yesterday...