Do JWs really notice significant doctrinal change?

by keyser soze 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • make yourself
    make yourself

    I'm gonna be completely honest, I didn't even notice changes until coming to this board. It's pretty terrrifying knowing things like that are happening right under people's noses and they are not even realizing it.

  • LostGeneration

    I think back to 1995 when they simply dropped the generation teaching with two paragraphs in a Watchtower.

    I was fully asleep at the switch, and didn't bat an eye.

    Its one hell of a scam, religion in general. People are scared to die, they want to live forever in one form or another. While humans may evolve away from religion slowly, I really do not ever see humans as a whole giving up God.

  • whathappened

    I do believe it will help awaken some. As you scroll through the posts concerning what helped you leave the organization, you see all kinds of people who left over the changes. For me it was the cumulative changes, one thing after another. Some witnesses actually grabbed at the new literature, searching for new light and had a superior attitude toward those that didn't keep up with all the "new" information from "the slave."

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    When asked who the Faithful and Discrete Slave is, the majority of Witnoids would have said the Governing Body anyway. They don't even know their own docrtines. Hell the doctrines change more often than people change socks.

  • tresdecu

    I would have condisdered myself a typical R afd F back in the day, although I was an MS, while (mentally) in. I think back to the 95 generation change, I was almost 30, on my way to being an elder (if I just got my hours up..dammit) not a spiritual "giant" or really deep 'doctrinal thinker' but not an idiot give myself a little credit anyway ;-)

    I regretfully say that the change in 95 didn't do anything to me...I didn't think "huh, that's really weird, what the hell is going on in NY" I swallowed it as new light from imperfect men, who were doing the best they could...and we were the closest thing to the truth. I actually stopped thinking about it after the closing song. I was ready to go home have a burger and a beer and watch some football.

    I would venture to say that a large percentage now are like the "former me".......unfortunately.


  • Leolaia

    I remember in 1988 and 1989 I was out in field service and sat in on a "Bible" study (of course really a "Live Forever" book study) and then later everyone in the service group got together and we were talking about our field experiences and I mentioned in passing how outdated "old light" was being presented at the study, and Mr. Serious-'n'-Zealous elder reacted incredulously to me and said, "Where?" and I told him, it was in the Watchtower, didn't you see it? They totally changed the Sodom and Gomorrah teaching, I said, and he had a huge bookcase stuffed with magazines, so I went through it, found the issue, and showed him the new light. He was pretty damn surprised.


    The WBT$ could start Celebrating Christmas..


    Open Opium Dens in Kingdom Hall basements.. JW`s would Welcome all of it..

    ........................... ...OUTLAW

  • krejames

    LOL @ Outlaw

    The photo on the right is correct I'm afraid.

    I mentioned the rumoured new light to a close JW friend yesterday. She said in essence, "oh that makes much more sense. That's pretty much what I thought must be the case anyway. After all it's the governing body who dispense the spiritual food".

    It's exactly the reaction i expected. So please don't expect a mass exodus. It's not gonna happen.

  • Satanus

    When i first started studying w em, they claimed that their mags had something on everything. I asked about something i was curious about for school, something about nature, or something (can't remember what it was, actually). Anyways, they started going through the wt indexes to find something on that. They couldn't find it. That didn't bother me, although i did remember it.

    Once when the excused themeselves for making a mistake, they claimed that they were just reporting some worldly news that they had heard. That got my attention. Something that got me puzzled was when things that were formerly forbidden became conscience matters. They said that just because it was now up to your conscience didn't mean that you could do what you wanted. I couldn't figure that one. Still, i remained. It wasn't until i reached bottom cuz of depression that i was became ready to face things.


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Tresdecu: ‘I would venture to say that a large percentage now are like the "former me".......unfortunately.’

    Don’t forget that we are living in the ‘information age’. Today, news travels and it travels way faster that it did 15-20 years ago. At a click of a button and wallah you have dirty laundry about an individual, business and yes even a religious institution. WT has its’ share of dirty laundry as we all know. Little do the 8 GB know but they just volunteered a great deal more of their dirty laundry to the masses at their annual meeting. In the right hands this dirty laundry can and will cause some real damage to this counterfeit organization!

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