Watchtower on Global Indexing & ETFs

by TJ Curioso 26 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • TJ Curioso
    TJ Curioso

    Follow the link and see the list of participants who stated (p.4 - end of the list/right side):

    Amaze yourself, because it is only as the Chief Investment Officer of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society!

    But what is ETS?

    Follow the link:

  • tootired2care

    Wow, how did you stumble on that? The WTS in bed investing with heads of state Albriet, Kissinger etc. and Goldman sux! Talk about "using the world to the full". Oh the irony and hypocrisy of the wt$...

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    Wow, how did you stumble on that? The WTS in bed investing with heads of state Albriet, Kissinger etc. and Goldman sux! Talk about "using the world to the full". Oh the irony and hypocrisy of the wt$...

    You wouldn't believe the shit & dirty looks I would catch from people in this crazy cult while just trying to be a young investor.

    The WT$ is full of hypocrisy and the R&F are too mind controlled to see it.

  • jwfacts

    Good find.

    They preach from the platform the demise of the commercial, political and religious systems, condemn Christendom for its involvement, yet are fully immersed themselves.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello TJ Curioso,

    thanks. Great to be seen ..and pass to many others in Europe;


    JC MacHislopp

  • blondie

    The WTS sees nothing wrong with balanced investing or working in investing since 2000. Years ago it might have but I never heard it and I worked in investments for 5 years.

    *** g01 6/8 p. 30 From Our Readers ***

    I disagree with the assertion that investing in the stock market is not putting one’s trust in “the god of Good Luck.” (Isaiah 65:11) Putting one’s money into a volatile system that operates entirely at random is gambling.

    P. B., United States

    Admittedly, investing in the stock market can carry a high degree of risk. And, as with any business venture, random factors are involved. However, it would not be accurate to say that trading stocks is gambling. Gambling involves the exchange of money without any exchange of real goods. A stock, however, represents an actual share in the ownership of a business. Trading stocks can thus be viewed as the buying and selling of legitimate goods.—ED.

    *** g00 10/8 p. 27 Is It Wise to Invest in the Stock Market? ***

    How a person chooses to invest his money is a personal decision. Guided by a sound mind and contentment with the necessities of life, an investor does well to keep financial concerns in their place, not neglecting his or her family responsibilities and spiritual needs.

  • maninthemiddle

    But does that mean they are investing donations?

  • blondie

    Why would that be wrong? As long as they follow the law regarding non-profit religious corporations in the US....the rank and file for the most part would see nothing wrong with that. The WTS even has a brochure and a process to invest for individual jws which allows that jw to save on taxes.

    2/8/63 Awake p 22-23. a personal decision

  • maninthemiddle

    Blondie, I see something wrong with it because it is not the reason that people donate to the WTS, and also that they do not disclose to the R&F.

    On the other hand if they are just maintaing portfolios that were donated to them, that would be somehting else entirely.

    It is just how much is hidden from the R&F that bothers me.

  • blondie

    People donate to the WTS to spend the money on WT activities, preaching, printing, building, paying utilities on all the commercial buildings they have, paying allowances to the Bethel family, an allowances for the COs and DOs, etc.. What is wrong with carefully investing money to make more money. So what do you think the rank and file think the WTS is spending their money on? I would be glad that the WTS is making money with my money not just letting it sit if I were a jw any more.

    It is not unusual for religious corporations to invest donations and in the US are required to follow the tax laws under the IRS.

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