Wishful thinking? Will WTBS ever go down?

by MC RubberMallet 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    Ditto Blondie. This religion aint goin anywhere anytime soon.

  • hybridous

    Aye, but I think that the RCC has demonstrated a survival instinct by a willingness to bend with the times, and not care so much about what its members think and say and do.

    I do not see this adaptability in the WT Organization. I think they will weather the storms much more poorly.

  • grumblecakes

    i tend to think that substantial decline in members is on the way, especially in developed countries with internet access (i think cedars has an article on this on his site?).

    there is no real growth to speak of in developed countries. every assembly ive been to since '96 you only jw offspring getting baptised.

    soooo many are mentally on the fence/waking up/tuning out, but have to stay in for logistical reasons (family/work for a jw/rent from a jw ect).

    plus think of the internet, if you cant get active jws to quit searching for porn, you cant tell them tonot look at sites like this...

    im surprised theyve sustained themselves this long.

  • frankiespeakin

    I don't think they will survive another generation/overlapping/generation. The internet generation has come, they hate education because it destroys thier delusion over the masses, more readliy availible information is a real killer.

    Just like there might be kids in thier late teens that still beleive in Santa and the tooth fairy so some in later generations may still beleive in them but it will be like finding a needle in the hay stack. IMO

  • thinking_not_believing

    i predicted when i was 17 that they would go out of business (joking) but i mean seriously how can they afford all those things they print. we laughed that u would get the WT via email and u would have to print your own... now that seems right around the corner

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    I think the full impact of the internet is still to be felt by the WTS in the near future. Take me for example, I had known of JW's for over 20 years and thought that they were just another goofy religion. It was just four months ago that I decided to type the words Jehova's Witnesses in the Google search engine. Fast forward to taday and you will find that I am an expert in the history of JW's and I am becoming an expert in their theology. You can bet your butt I am going to use this expertise for many years to come to dissuade people from ever stepping in a kingdom hell. I am sure I will be responsible for taking away few prospective members and helping others out.

    The WTS's peak may still be in the future but their decline is sure to follow soon after. Both, peak and decline, are going to happen within a decade.

  • free @ last
    free @ last

    Are we guilty of wishful thinking? Yes

    Wishful thinking? Yes

    Will WTBS ever go down? Probably not.


  • Elephant


    Many religions have survived attacks and difficult times. Some part of the WTS will exist for a long time. The focus should be on helping individuals. The WTS lost almost 3/4 of their members around 1925 and after 1975, 2 to 3%, but has bounced back.


    Will WTBS ever go down? No.

    ...we have too many very intelligent, and very saavy individuals that know how to manipulate the world of finance and investment to our advantage, too many individuals thoroughly versed in state and federal law (not to mention connected to it), too many charismatic individuals that understand how the human mind and heart works, too many foward thinking minds that can forsee the little bumps 100 miles ahead and are already preparing for them (Armaggedon or not)...

    ...oh, and by the way...too many convinced that Jehovah is on our side...

  • grumblecakes

    lol elephant, now whos wishful thinking?

  • whathappened

    I think and hope they go down. How long can a religion that makes things up as they go continue to survive. I think they will stagnate and eventually, when Armageddon doesn't come, disappear altogether...we can only hope.

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