Some of you know I've been down in the dark dumps. I haven't had employment for 10 months now.
There is a bit of light at the end of the tunnel. I went for a couple of interviews 2 weeks back: Formax (stationary company) and Honey Badger Solutions (risk management company).
ust had my second interview with Honey Badger Solutions. They want a sales person - me. Initially I'll be learning the ins and outs of various solutions they offer to companies, plus researching prospective clients. I'll also have the opportunity to impliment a CSM (customer service management) tracking program. Once I have my orientation I'll start selling, and training the new reps. This could be a great opportunity for me to grow with this small company. The up side is that it is something I'm rather passionate about.
If it goes in my favour and all fingers point to it doing so - I'll be starting on the 1st of December. Perhaps 2012 was my year of growth and enlightment, of digging deep and holding on with my figernails. To make me stronger? To heal me? To test me? 2013 may just be the year!
Hold thumbs with me. I do need this break.