I'm not going to tell you what to do, because you are a grown adult. But I can at least tell you my experience. I was born and raised as a JW. I was baptised at age 10. Even though my parents were supportive of me going to college, I can't tell you how many times the "friends" talked down to me and how many times the elders discouraged me from going to college. Even though I still made meetings and was getting 15+ hours in service a month. Even if you are supportive of your children going to school for a higher education, the elders and the "friends" will not let you be. Also now after almost 30 years I'm trying to leave and I'm only inactive right now and my aunt has called me an apostate and has forbidden me from talking to my grandmother. It's easy to get in the JW's, but getting out is HELL!!!!!! I did learn things as a JW but now I think it was because of reading the bible and know and getting close to Jehovah that is what made me the person I am today and not the WTS. I do have my baggage but I'm not going into that. I wish I had listened to my gut!