The Governing Body is on solid ground with the new light.
The very way Jesus phrased the wording at Mt 24:45-47 “Who really is the faithful and discrete slave?” indicates that there would be a legitimate question to be answered, something not obviously clear to everyone. Yet during the first century there was no question it was obvious there was only a singular Christian organization with its Governing Body.
Not so today Jesus parable of “the wheat and the weeds” tells us there would be counterfeit Christians, people and groups who claim to be Christians but are not in reality.
Jesus parable of “the wheat and the weeds” also indicates there would have been no clear channel to dispense food only individual anointed ones who maintained their faith until the time of the harvest. That all changes after “the growing season ended” then an organized channel would be needed to do the feeding
It had been formerly believed that the faithful slave were anointed at any given time throughout history from 33CE onward, however when the context of the verses at Mathew 24 is considered it is clear that the events described are in the “last days” hence the “faithful slave” only appeared during the last days and as such was appointed by the master during the “last days”
The real question for all of us should be who is providing and dispensing spiritual food in our day?
Jesus said there would be a “faithful and discrete slave” however Mt 24:45-47 and Luke 12 th chapter both use the definite article with reference to the “faithful and discrete slave.”
Interestingly other Bible passages that refer to “slaves and stewards” do not use the definite article and are singular but not at the scriptures referring to the “faithful and discrete slave” It is therefore clear the “slave” is a composite group it does NOT apply to an individual anointed Christian.
Obviously the Governing Body was responsible for dispensing spiritual food in the first century. For example when the issue of circumcision had to be resolved it was taken before the Governing Body at that time. Certainly those Elders in Jerusalem didn’t and couldn’t consult all the anointed living throughout the Roman Empire. Rather it was only the Elders in Jerusalem that made the decision and presented it to the congregations. The pattern was set for us today. Not to be overlooked is the fact that those Elders acted as a restrain against the coming apostasy.
What does all of this mean for you and I? It’s pretty clear there is only one channel for spiritual truth just as in the first century. Remember all Christians were anointed during the first century and yet they all had to follow the lead of the Governing Body in their time. Therefore anyone bold enough to think they have some special knowledge worthy of being dispensed even if they claim to be anointed is acting in away contrary to the pattern set in the Bible.
There is NO getting around the use of the definite article at Mt 24:45-47 or the fact that only the Governing Body in the first century dispensed spiritual food. Individuals who promote their own teachings are acting not as light bearers but as apostates and condemned as such not by some man but by the scriptures themselves.