Last night was my martyring

by outsmartthesystem 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • outsmartthesystem

    Blinders - Yes....they did indeed say that. My response to them was "I cannot answer your question as to whether or not I believe the organization is directed by Jehovah. Your answers to MY questions would go a long way toward ME being able to answer YOU."

  • outsmartthesystem

    I did ask a few specific questions but each was met with "we are not here to answer your questions" or "the book of timothy advises us to avoid answering foolish questions".

    I finally said "I have a LOT of questions and thus far you've managed to avoid all of them. Flat out....are you willing to answer any of these?" The main elder said "no, we will not"

  • cofty

    Genius! Well done.

  • james_woods
    Why you may ask? Because I was recording it. Not for my benefit. Not even for the benefit of those that may want to hear it on Youtube. But for my daughters.

    For many years, I could never find a reason that someone would go to and record one of these elder witch-hunts.

    That is the best reason for doing so that I have ever heard.

  • Lozhasleft

    Well done to you, and I hope in time it proves to your daughters that you are a good guy, a dad to be proud of. I'm sure it will.

    Loz x

  • Gayle

    wow, what foresight!! With your foresight, I am sure you will find ways to help keep your children's minds open along the way and free as they grow.

  • trujw

    The elders are cowards as are most jws I have dealt with. I applaud what you have done but I gave it all to them every time and when they came for my wife after me with a certified letter to meet with them I called the police and had a restraining order put against them. I had no fear for they were the ones that created me. As for my wife alas she was still DF fo doing absolutly nothing but not showing up. I have no compassion for them just as they had non for me.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    The caveat in recording is to check on legality before doing so: many states are "two-party" consent states, where you need permission of the other parties to record or risk criminal prosecution/felony conviction (prison time + fines).

  • outsmartthesystem

    KS - That's why the recording is for my daughters only.

  • cobaltcupcake

    Well done! I would have blown my top at the "foolish questionings" remark!

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