but...but...then the previous teachings would have been (gasp!) apostate ideas!
That is OK, because many of those "old light" ideas were not taught by the REAL F&DS-GB class, you know.
It might give some the possibility that maybe some of their loved ones went to heaven after all, even tho they didn't 'partake' (because maybe the deceased didn't realize any choice factor).
It would be easy enough to pass this off as "annointed, but partaking in their own hearts...". They already have a "partaking but not really annointed because of mental defect or disease" class. Perhaps (if my speculation holds true) - there could be a new "really annointed in their hearts but still subject to mental defect" class. All crazy, of course - but -
Like Minimus' thread says though - 80% or more will swallow down any of this, no matter how wild, and blindly shuffle along.