Snares of the Devil - Questioning the motives of those who pioneer

by Quarterback 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quarterback

    The WT for today, can't remember exactly what paragraph, stated the dangers of the tongue. It went further to mention that we wouldn't want to question the motives of a sister who was appointed in the congregation as a pioneer. There was even a picture to add emphasis.

    Who on earth questions that? Usually the comments made behind someone's back are:

    Why is that sister working full-time?

    Why doesn't that sister pioneer?

    Why doesn't that sister's husband retire already? Aren't their children moved out?

    Why would that sister seek higher education?

    Why does that sister dress like a slut?

    I guess our tongues find these questions acceptable.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    I think the haters vary by congregation. We've got a couple pioneers whos appointments caused some discussion. The people questioning them being pioneers had more issues with their personalities than their qualifications. Much of it was typical catty stuff that women seem to excell at. Then again, maybe they knew better than the Service Committee, cuz neither one of the pioneers I'm referring to made their time for the past two years.

    I thought it was interesting they showed two sisters badmouthing the new pioneer, cuz sisters sure do badmouth one another, especially 20ish to 40ish sisters. Dont let them find out some sister in the hall snagged a man either. Open season at that point.

  • Quarterback

    I can't we announce it when someone stops pioneering?

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    No we dont. They simply come off the list with the CO and Service Committee hoping they can eventually pioneer again sometime in the future.

  • Eustace

    I think a lot of pioneers do it for the prominence.

    If they just did it to help spread the good news or whatever, there simply wouldn't be a need for titles and such vainglorious things.

    If you aren't pioneering for the glory, honey, ask the elders not to announce it to the congregation that you're a pioneer.

    You don't wanna ask that?

    Yeah, that's what I thought...

  • LongHairGal


    You are right. Usually the busybodies question why somebody DOESN'T pioneer. I was criticized because I work full-time. My critics?? Comfortable retirees and housewives who didn't need to work. These self-centered idiots couldn't care less about me but yet they talked about me behind my back !


    I am in total agreement with you that many pioneer for "prominence" or approval. I also felt as you did that if somebody was just doing it for the sake of preaching, they should do the hours WITHOUT the title! Yes, they should not put an application in but just work the hours in service if they are so desirous of "preaching". Never mind the excuse that they'll never get to go to pioneer school.

  • What Now?
    What Now?

    @Theocratic Sedition - I'm not sure that is correct.

    At least when I stepped down as a pioneer (about 4-5 years ago, and not related to any wrongdoing or anything) an announcement was made that "Sister What Now has discontinued her pioneer service".

    I've heard the same announcement made a couple of times since then.

    Maybe it depends on the hall?

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    It might depend on the congregation. Funny how procedures vary from congregation to congregation. We lost two pioneers that I can think of right now as both were recent. Both had to come off the list due to circumstances beyond their control, that being taking care of sick relatives. No announcement was made for either.

    Another pioneer I know recieved some counsel and was taken off the list for a short time, few months maybe, but for the life of me I cant recall if any announcement was made. I think she got a private reproof and nothing else. I cant remember though. The flock book doesnt have anything on making announcements regarding pioneers who come. Maybe the Service Committee has material on the procedure.

  • grumblecakes

    brothers are every bit as guilty of bad mouthing in my experience. every congregation is driven by guilt and shame and fear of what people think...every congregation is also run by brothers.

    all 3 congs i was/is in announced when someone stoppoed pioneering. i think i remember reading thatt it is procedure in like the OM book or something.

  • ShirleyW

    I haven't been to a meeting in about thirty years and I remember them announcing who has stopped pioneering.

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