
by Richard_I 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Richard_I

    hello everyone just made an account here.

    basic history: early 20s, former bethelite, ms, and pioneer, now college student (hell yeah, but finding it tough!), but still stuck with believing parents. been lurking for 2/3 years, but have been fully mentally out since early this year. my parents are laidback so they dont really care what i do, kinda. i plan on leaving when i graduate from college/move out (hopefully in at least 2 years). however i can still joke about stuff with my parents, like how assembly/district convention days are now 8 hour nap days now that im no longer pioneering, or how i can be like them and only have to get 2 hours of service a month in now with a basic "want mags???" presentation.

    my biggest issues with jw's isn't necessarily beliefs, blood issue, etc., but is just the bible. i was just thinking about things like how the whole earth could be covered with water and the problems with that scenario; how very, very little historical evidence there is for anything mentioned in the bible; how when jesus was killed and there was that huge earthquake and "dead being raised" yet nobody recorded anything about that; how god is so very violent in the ot but so peaceful in nt, why the change; how that prophet can be permitted to kill 40 kids for calling him bald; etc. also of course the pedo issue and the report/non-report state stuff.

    i have also been noticing a lot more focus on the gb. last year or early this year, nearly every watchtower mentioned how we should obey "the slave" and i never saw that so much before until recently.

    thats it i guess. GO GEN Y@@@

  • Aware!

    Hi and welcome Richard. What are you going for in college if you don't mind me asking?

  • grumblecakes

    hi richard! im new here too. congratz on making a big step!

    i noticed the same thing as you about more emphasis on the GB in the last year or so. they ramped up the creepiness factor!

    congratz on college too, way to go!!!

  • smiddy

    Welcome richard , have a nice stay


  • NewChapter

    Welcome Richard. I have the same issues with the Bible, and don't believe it anymore. Billy the Exbethelite, on this forum, also served at Bethel and is in college now and out. You might like to keep an eye out for his posts.

  • whathappened

    Hello, Richard. Welcome to this forum. It sounds like you are doing great. Your parents sound cool. How old are they, in their 40's?

  • thinking_not_believing

    hi welcome... i just joined here... congrats on going to school! stay in n finish... thats the key!

  • Satanus

    Welcome, and congrats on college. Cool, if you can carry on w your parents. No need to create issues if things work for you. You only have two parents.


  • LouBelle

    Hey Richard, there are deffinate problems with the bible. The thing is, if you look at many ancient writings/scrolls across all cultures there are very similar threads / noticable similarities. I've made my peace with the bible and these other writings - yes there are some very helpful things I can use and then there is just stuff that you take and ponder on: did that happen? what is the meaning? is it literal or figurative.

    Once you just see the bible as a book/writings, just like other writings it uncomplicates things a hellofa lot. Some of the stuff is inspired, for sure, but I can say the same about Eckhart Tolle's "New Earth" book - it's inspirational and has a number of gems that I use in my every day life.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Welcome! Getting in school was a smart move, and even though you got a little bit of a late start, you've got plenty of time.

    For me, it started with the historical inaccuracy of the 607 date, as well as the craziness found in the Studies in the Scriptures books. After I realized that was all bullshit, I moved on to the bible and pretty quickly found the whole thing hard to swallow unless you really stretch your marination/reality. It just does not add up.

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