My Near Death Experience

by Dogpatch 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    Hi y'all, just wanted to let you know I was out for a stroll on my bicycle for exercise last week and got hit by a car 100 yards from my house. It was a hit and run. I got up with only minor bruises but felt really dizzy and asked one of my roommates to take me to the hospital as I was dizzy and felt I was going to pass out on the spot in the middle of the street. While the injuries were minor (except a broken tooth), once I got into the hospital in Hawthorne I was treated so badly for 3 days I almost died. I am still in trauma as I came so close to death. Thank God I didn't. I was treated like "s***t". The hospital, though fairly new, couldn't have cared less. The orderlies would have to stay in the room 24 hours, but would hardly answer any requests, ignoring me if I asked for help most of the time, but rather jammed needles up my arm all day (IV). They WOULDN'T EVEN LOOK AT ME half the time, let alone respond to my needs. And I am not a demanding or angry person. (Similar treatment with the other patients.)

    I have never witnessed such awful care in my life. I didn't eat a bite for 3 days, and they kept me too drugged to do anything about it.

    I have to pay over $1000 a month for health insurance as I just turned 60, and my income is $24k a year. I don't get sick but have a lot of physical problems such as colitis, degenerative spine, and a few other issues. I just don't get sick... typical of my family members who all live beyond 80. I live on peanuts (my RENT is $700 and I live with four other dudes.)

    One of my doctors had given me the wrong drugs for stiffness in my legs that nearly paralyzed my legs 3 weeks earlier, and I figured I'd better get away (not knowing even what the drug was or that it was causing the problem). So I drove up to Big Sur with a friend just to get away from recent stress related to someone whom I had hired part time, and who ripped me off, took money out of my Paypal debit card without asking, and stole my new laptop computer a couple of months back, and left evil, taunting messages on my answering machine. (Believe me, you don't want to hear them... I still have them recorded.) I had to hire an attorney to issue him a cease and desist, knowing he was not about to give my computer back which I had purchased to train him and others... I had worked for 12 hour days for way too long... all to help him as he was broke, and out of work and continually asked for money in advance.

    But the new drug for my legs reacted badly and I could barely walk. The next day I went for a bike ride and that is when my leg temporarily froze up, and I fell into the path of the car. Hit and run. I was swooning and thought I might die.

    I think I'm all okay now but this was by far the most horrible last 10 months of my life. I'm glad to be alive but still shaken. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I'll be alright and the work will continue on, but I will probably have to go on disability and will need some help with sections of the new Free Minds (volunteers).

    By the way, graciously Juan Viejo is helping set up the new which should launch in a couple of weeks. I do need volunteers I can trust and know as well. Appreciating your thoughts and prayers. - Randy

  • TJ Curioso
    TJ Curioso

    I'm happy that You feel better Randy.

    Keeping You in my prayers!

  • Refriedtruth


    I was out for a stroll on my bicycle for exercise last week and got hit by a car 100 yards from my house. It was a hit and run.

  • Dogpatch

    The greater damage was done by the freeloader in the end.


  • Listener

    Dogpatch, sorry to hear about your treatment. You've really got to be careful in all things that you do. I don't know how you let someone you only recently employed get access to your private bank details. As for being on the roads when you weren't strong enough is not all that wise. Of course you didn't deserve any of the aftermath but please take care.

  • WinstonSmith

    Hi Randy, thanks for the update. Man, what an awful few months for you bro.

    Glad to hear you are on the mend. They build 'em tough in California. Must be all that surfing!

    I'm not a professional, but I do a lot of proofreading as part of my job. Both my work, and the work of others. I also ghost write for managers from time to time. Happy to help with Freeminds if you think either of those things might be of use.

    Take care mate!


  • stuckinlimbo

    My good ness why didn't they feed you in hospital. The American health system sounds like its worsening and sadly I think Australia isn't far behind it :(

  • leavingwt

    Randy, I'm glad you're better. That sounds terrible. The administration of that hospital needs to hear your feedback, if you're so inclined.

  • cedars

    Hi Randy

    I'm so sorry to hear about your ordeal, both before and during the accident. It's awful to think that even in this 21st Century hospital care can get so bad in places. No patient deserves to be treated like that and brought so close to death. I'm glad you've survived that appalling treatment and you're now on the road to recovery. I know John will take good care of Freeminds for you until you're back up and running. Just put your feet up and get some well earned rest.

    Thinking of you my friend.


  • jookbeard

    look after yourself Randy.

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