Notes from Safeguard Your Mind assembly - day 1

by raxxxx 29 Replies latest watchtower bible


    Next theme.. Safeguard you inheritence from the GB, or Safeguard your children's virginity from predators....

  • leaving_quietly

    I caught two key points:

    Ability to declare something, doesn't make it true.

    If Jehovah says something, we should not add to it.

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    What will the Special Assembly Day be? Anyone know?

    Safeguard Your Conscience - 1 Tim 1:19

    Programme available on


  • Lozhasleft

    Reading these notes made me so angry with myself that I ever fell for all this claptrap control on my family.

    Loz x

  • raxxxx
  • Infowarrior


    Could you please elaborate on the talk Lifting the Veil That Blinds the Mind What kind of examples of conspiracies did they use ? Did they provide direct examples or were they described vaguely ? Im sure they demonised those who believe any thing away from the Watchtower or mainstream society. I thought belief in Christainity included the acceptence of conspiracy in regards to how our world operates. Of course the Watchtower is a corporate mega church obiedent to their international mega-corp world bankers. Demonization of conspiracies that challenge the mainstream should be pretty much expected from the Watchtower.

  • steve2

    The only way I can get passed the "How the f*k!g hell could I have fallen for this total hogwash" self-accusation is to remind myself my maternal and paternal grandparents fell for it decades before I ever did.

    I am so much luckier than either my 2 sets of humble-minded grandparents or my own wonderful parents: I walked away from the hogwash when I was young and have now got a life worth living; they never did.

  • ziddina


    Do I understand that correctly? "Conspiracy theories" are supposedly part of the "veil that blinds the mind"???


  • raxxxx

    Do I understand that correctly? "Conspiracy theories" are supposedly part of the "veil that blinds the mind"???

    Could you please elaborate on the talk Lifting the Veil That Blinds the Mind What kind of examples of conspiracies did they use ? Did they provide direct examples or were they described vaguely ?

    Well if I recall correctly, there were two examples given : landing on the moon and assassination of JFK. Speaker said, that there are still multiple factors debated in connection with those two events, and that some people attribute them to fabrications, cover-ups by some very powerful organisations . Similarly Satan is trying to use conspiracy theories such us hellfire, immortality of the soul to cover up the truth about what happens to us, when we die. And it takes an almighty God to lift this veil of lies. I know... it an absolutely horrible attempt, at making a good illustration... Speaker was not the smartest cookie, it has to be said.

  • krejames

    Recently came back from this.

    Really loads of apostate bashing. internet, what to do if you have doubts (i.e. do research in WT publications, ask an elder, or just shove it to one side). There was an interview with an elder who said he had personally questioned an old WT study that had said no one resurrected in the new system would be married and how he had been really upset because he loves his wife and married her forever. The long and the short of it being that he learned to let it go as everyone will be happy in the new system whatever Jehovah has planned for humans..

    The DO said how apostates are so cunning because they approach with nice soothing words like the the serpent when he spoke to Eve (he then mimicked how Satan wouldn't have said "Oi! You! Eat this! NOW!" but would have been enticing rather than abrasive..." I was suppressing a laugh because I thought he obviously hasn't been on this forum then, with some of the heated discussions going on lately haha

    But saving the best til last....One speaker in a different talk in the afternoon actually quoted/paraphrased Revelation 22:18 and said "no one should add anything to what the faithful slave says". I actually thought "you have got to be kidding me! Did he really just say that?". No one even flinched!

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